If you have collision coverage on your car, your insurance co will pay for your damages.
However, if you don't have such coverage, you're stuck with all bills.
driver of parked vehicle
Generally speaking, the driver in motion is considered to be at fault when a parked car is hit, even if the car was parked illegally. The exception to this would be if the car was parked in a dangerous, hard-to-see location and the driver in motion could not have reasonably avoided hitting it. For example, if a car is parked on a sharp curve in the travel lane of a narrow road, and the driver of a car driving around the curve at the speed limit would not be able to see the parked car until too close to it to avoid a collision, then the driver might not be liable for damage to the parked car, and indeed the driver who parked the car might be liable for damage to the car that hit it.
The owner of the car that was wrongly parked still has the ability to sue. They should get the other driver's information and file a claim on their lawsuit.
The driver of the car that was driving when the accident occured. The owner of the parked car should not be responsible unless the car was parked in an illegal place or position.
You hit a parked vehicle. No matter how or where it was parked, you are responsible for the damages. If you hit the car, you could have seen the car if you had been looking. You have no insurance which is a violation of the law. Pay the owner of the car you hit and accept responsibility for your poor driving, and stop trying to blame this on how the vehicle you hit was parked. It is your fault plain and simple.
If your car was hit while parked and the other driver drove off, then you ask for payment under your collision coverage.
Of course it is your fault. The fact that the car was illegally parked is of no consequence. You didn't look where you were backing or you would not have hit the parked car. Would you have hit this car if you had been looking? Perhaps the illegally parked car is a Mini Cooper, parked illegally 1 foot behind a Hummer and therefore not visable when the driver looks before backing up...
The mechanic is not responsible for what happens in his parking lot. Your car has insurance, you will have to file the claim through your company. You should file a police report so that if the hit and run guy is caught, he will be responsible.
YES... two that i can think of are when your parked and if your hit from behind ...
You will most likely have to pursue them through small claims court.
Call the police.
The driver of the first striking car is responsible for all subsequent damage.