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The situation varies according to Country, State, and Insurance Company. So no general answer can be given. Contacting your 'Citizens Advice Bureau' may produce advice. Good luck

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Q: My friend just got into a car accident in a parking lot. I am unsure if he would be counted at fault but because he didn't have insurance. however they agreed till we got a call from their insurance?
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Technically speaking she is the one who is liable as well as it being her car. However if you both share insurance your rate will go up but you will not be counted for the accident.

If I was in a accident with someone who had insurancee in their fathers name and that insurance doesn't cover all my bill and his son got insurance through another company will that insurance kick in.?

NO. the accident happened while he had his fathers car insurance. If he switches insurance he still uses the insurance he had when he got into his accident. However, your health insurance with pick up the difference.

If you get in an accident while driving a friend's car will her car insurance go up or just yours?

In my experience, if someone drives my car and get in an accident, I think he or her insurance has to pay for the damage of the other party and mine pays for the damage of my car. However, her insurance should go up, but not mine because I am not the one who drive at the time the accident occurs.

What type of attorney do you need if your vehicle was hit an person did not have auto insurance?

An accident Attorney. Most accident attorneys however will not be interested in taking the case if they know the other party has no insurance <><><> Agree- however, if YOU have insurance, you probably do not need an attorney. YOUR insurance pays you under uninsured motorist coverage, and then the insurance company's lawyer goes after them.

If the driver of a car is liable for an accident who is liable the owner of the car or the driver's insurance company?

The owner of the car is liable for the accident itself and the damage. However, the insurance company might have to pay for it, depending on the owners insurance cover.

What is the maximum amount of time an employer has to administer a post accident drug test?

However long their insurance says, because there's no law about it.

If you let your sister borrow your insured car and she is in an accident and charged for the accident does her insurance cover the accident or will yours?

In general, insurance follows the car rather than the driver. So, if your sister is driving your insured car and is involved in an accident, your insurance would typically be the primary coverage for the incident. However, it's important to review the specific terms and conditions of your insurance policy to confirm this.

If you are driving without insurance and have an accident in which the other driver is at fault can you claim damages from his insurance company?

Yes you can. You may still receive a citation for not having insurance, however, the legal liability for the accident does not rest with you so the adverse party's insurance carrier will owe for your damages and/or injuries.

What insurance policies are involved when there is a car accident?

Auto insurance, and if you are hurt by the accident, then health insurance too, but you will need health insurance for the second to file a claim for injuries, and health insurance is optional. Auto insurance is required by law. If it is someone else's fault however, then they must pay for all the damage to you, your car, and themselves.

You cause a car accident and got a ticket from the police will insurance cover you?

Yes, that's why we buy insurance, however, the insurance co. is not resposible for paying traffic tickets, it is your resposibility.

Can I get away with dropping my auto insurance?

I do not have a particular website to answer your question. I do know, however, that if you drive with no auto insurance it is against the law. Also, if you do get in an accident you are not covered for your injuries. Also, if the accident is your fault, you can get a hefty lawsuit served in your name. Keep shopping for cheaper insurance. Do not drive without auto insurance.

Will your life insurance cover injury from an accident?

No. However, you may have provision in it that will pay for your premium if you are unable to work.