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Q: Minimum car insurance requirement
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Is liability car insurance a requirement for MA drivers?

Yes, liability car insurance is a requirement for Massachusetts drivers. The minimum requirements are 20/40/5.

What are the legal requirements of car insurance in the state of michigann?

Liability auto insurance is a requirement in order to drive in Michigan. The minimum limits are 20/40/10.

What is the minimum age requirement to have a car registered in your name?

The minimum age requirement to have a car registered in your name is typically 18 years old.

What is the minimum car insurance requirement in Florida?

The state of Florida requires a bare minimum coverage which is $10,000 personal injury protection (PIP). Also the State of Florida requires that Florida Car Owners have coverage for $10,000 property damage liability (PDL).

Can you look up what type of insurance a car has by plates?

No. Some states will have a system that allows for you to tell if they meet the State minimum insurance requirement or not and that's all. Limits of liability coverage and other coverages are not provided.

What are the minimum requirements for Pennsylvania car insurance policies?

The minimum amount required for car insurance in Pennsylvania is $15,000 per individual and $30,000 incident.

GPA requirement car insurance?

At least 3.0 you slacker.

What are the minimum requirements for Michigan car insurance coverage?

The info you need is here

What is the recommended amount of liability car insurance in Texas?

The minimum required for liability car insurance in Texas is $10,000. There is no recommended amount just the minimum. If you want more than the minimum your agent will be able to assist you with that.

Do the car insurance New Mexico laws say I have to have some sort of insurance?

New Mexico does require that its drivers have car insurance. The minimum car insurance required is at least liability.

Do you need insurance on a rental car in Florida If so how much will it cost?

All rental car co. are required by law to carry at least the minimum liability coverage. Purchasing insurance from a rental place is NOT a term and/or requirement, however, liability coverage is very low, speaking of $ amount. You can use your car insurance also. Each rental car co will sell you "an additional" insurance coverage. Unfortunately, I am not aware what the charge per day is.

What does it mean if you're obligated to get car insurance?

The word obligated means: You Have To. Most States have minimum insurance laws. All lenders require insurance on the car.