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The minimum amount required for car insurance in Pennsylvania is $15,000 per individual and $30,000 incident.

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Q: What are the minimum requirements for Pennsylvania car insurance policies?
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Related questions

What types of car insurance are offered in Pennsylvania?

All major car insurance companies offer policies in Pennsylvania. You have to get state mandated minimum coverage but may opt to get higher levels of insurance. Comprehensive, collision, theft, liability and other car insurance policies are available.

What are the minimum requirements for Michigan car insurance coverage?

The info you need is here

What are the state minimum requirements for auto insurance in the state of Ohio?

The minimum requirements are liablilty insurance, and anyone driving the automobile must be covered. You must have proof of financial responsibilty.

What is the minimum coverage the No-Fault law requires?

Each state in the U.S. regulates it's own minimum requirements for Auto Insurance coverage. All you have to do is ask your insurance agent or company and they can tell you the minimum requirements for your state.

What types of car insurance are available in Pennsylvania?

You are required by law to get at least the state minimum coverage but you may opt to get higher limits for your car insurance. Most major car insurance policies and options such as collision, theft, comprehensive, personal liability etc. are available.

What are ul life insurance policy yields for 2011?

Check your policy. With interest rates non-existant life insurance policies are often a saving place. Depending on how old the policies are they probably have a minimum interest rate. Minimum rate on most policies written after Universal Life Policies came out was 4.50% which is extremely good. Insurance companies are sticking to paying at least the minimum rate if not more.

Where can someone find out what the minimum auto insurance is?

There are a number of websites that offer information on the minimum auto insurance requirements which differ from state to state. One very informative page which lists the requirements for all states, is the About website which has a specific page for Car Insurance Requirements.

How old do you have to be to buy pet insurance?

All pet insurance policies have a minimum age requirement of 18 years of age

Is it advisable to only have the minimum insuring requirements?

It is not advisable to have only the minimum state requirements on your auto insurance. If you are found to be at fault in the event of an accident, you can be held liable for all you're worth over the amount of the insurance policy's limitations.

Do you need motorcycle insurance in Massachusetts?

According to the American Motorcyclists Association, Massachusetts minimum insurance requirements are "Compulsory Liability (Minimum Limits)(20/40/1) "

What level of auto insurance do you have to carry in Pennsylvania?

You are required to carry a minimum of liability insurance on any vehicle that will be operated on public roads.

What is the minimum liability insurance needed to meet financial responsibity?

The minimum Liability Requirements in the United States are regulated by each individual state. You will need to contact an insurance agent in your state and ask the minimum limits required.