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Probably you are. You could have avoided the accident by simply looking in your mirror. The other driver was probably unable to stop when your door suddenly opened.

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Q: Massachusetts accident laws I parked my car in front of my house I went to open the door and a car hit my door I cant even close my door now Who is at fault?
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If the other vehicle was parked, there was no other driver to have license, insurance or registration. The driver who hit the parked vehicle is at fault and is liable for all damages to the parked vehicle.

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If you strike him - you are at fault. He can be charged with the No Parking violation but YOU are charged with the collision.

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The person's who parked it there, (its parked illegally.)Not your fault.

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As a general rule, a parked or stopped vehicle is almost never at fault for an accident. The onus is on the driver of the moving vehicle to make sure the way is clear.

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It would be the car who had parked illegally because he was not parked in a legal spot.

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Technically, it is the other guy's fault. But it will probably be you that has to pay up.

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As long as the parked vehicle is parked properly and not illegally parked in any manner, then the vehicle that rear-ended the parked car is at fault. Now if the parked car is sitting illegally (such as double parked or parked in a no parking zone, etc.) then the parked car is at fault or even both the parked car AND the car that hits it are BOTH at fault.

Who is at fault when you back into a car?

If you back into a car you are at fault, especially if the other vehicle was parked. You are the one with the responsibility to look behind you and to avoid the accident. If both cars are moving all bets are off.

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Yes. When your car is parked all medical bills and repair costs are the responsibility of the person who hit your car.

Who is at fault is a moving vehicle hits a non moving vehicle that is legally parked on the street?

Of course it seems like the moving vehicle is. They should have left a note if they were an individual with morals and who would'nt like that to be done to them. ADDITIONAL INFO: Though each accident is handled on a case by case basis, generally the operator of the moving vehicle would be at fault, however instances where a vehicle is illegally parked or grossly impeding traffic may warrant further investigation. In such cases it would be possible to make a case for the illegally parked vehicle be at fault. In such a case of an illegally parked vehicle the owner of the vehicle, even if not deemed at fault, would more than likely at least receive a citation. If such action occurred, then it would be easier for the operator of the moving vehicle, even though they were determined to be at fault, to make a case that if the illegally parked vehicle were not illegally parked in the first place then the accident would have never happened.

Will your insurance go up if your car was hit while parked with out other vehicles info?

Your insurance will usually only go up if it is determined that an accident was your fault. If someone hit your car when you weren't there, then most likely, you couldn't avoid it and it wasn't your fault. Unless you parked it in the middle of a freeway or something like that.

Whose fault is it if an uninsured driver slides down a snowy unplowed driveway into the illegally parked car of the homeowner?

The fact that the car was illegally parked doesn't matter. The driver of the moving car was responsible to adjust their driving to the road conditions, and to ensure it was safe to proceed. This accident will be the fault of the uninsured driver.