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Yes. When your car is parked all medical bills and repair costs are the responsibility of the person who hit your car.

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Q: If your car was parked and you got rearended and the accident was not your fault but you had no car insurance will the person who rearended you have to pay for your car and your injurys?
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Can you claim on someone's insurance for an accident caused due to them parking on a corner blocking view of road?

If they were not parked illegally then they are not responsible for your accident.

Will bankrupsy protect you from being sued if you were the cause of an auto accident with a parked car which no one was in you had no insurance?

No, you will still be responsible for any damage you did to the parked car.

If you hit a parked car does your insurance go up?

Whether or not your insurance goes up if you cause an accident depends on your company Ask your agent.

What happens if a fully insured driver admits fault for hitting a parked vehicle but the other driver involved in the accident had no license insurance or registration?

If the other vehicle was parked, there was no other driver to have license, insurance or registration. The driver who hit the parked vehicle is at fault and is liable for all damages to the parked vehicle.

What happens if your car was hit parked and you know who did it?

Fill out accident report with police. The person's insurance will pay for repairs.

What if you do not have uninsured motorist insurance and your car was hit while parked and the drive left the seen of the accident?

You would have to file this under your collision coverage. Depending on your insurance provider, they will list the accident as a no fault accident. More than likely, you will have to pay your deductible.

What is the difference between an occurrence and an accident on an auto insurance policy?

In some instances these can be interchangeable but in certain cases they are not. For example, an accident can be an occurrence but a tree falling on a parked vehicle while it is an occurrence, it is not an accident. I hope this helps you.

If someone hits your parked car and you call your insurance will your rates go up or will their insurance take care of everything?

If your car is parked and someone hits it, your rates should not go up. The other car's insurance company should take care of everything, even if you have the same insurance company. You are entitled to have your vehicle repaired following an accident that was caused by someone else.

If you hit a parked unregistered car can you sue their insurance?

Sure you can sue anyone for anything. The question is will you win. Let's get this straight. You hit a parked car, and you want to sue the owner of that car's insurance company. And your reason is that the car was not registered. Well if the car was not registered then how did they have insurance? What does the fact as to weather the car was registered or not have to do with the accident? You hit a parked car and that means you were at fault. But you go right ahead and sue. See where that gets you.

Will your insurance go up if your car was hit while parked with out other vehicles info?

Your insurance will usually only go up if it is determined that an accident was your fault. If someone hit your car when you weren't there, then most likely, you couldn't avoid it and it wasn't your fault. Unless you parked it in the middle of a freeway or something like that.

Can you claim on someones insurance for accident caused due to them parking on a corner blocking view of road?

No. It would be highly unlikely that you could ever prove liability of a vehicle that was not in motion at the time of your accident, even less likely if if that vehicle was not illegally parked.

What happens if I had insurance at the time of an accident someone hit my parked....but now I need to file a claim and now I don't have insurance?

Your insurance SHOULD cover the damage assuming you had comprehensive coverage and not just liability. However, you might have a problem proving the damage occurred while you were still covered.