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Q: Mason's family rented a car in Europe for their vacation They drove 1609000 meters over the course of the trip Their rental agreement states they will be charged by the kilometer How many kil?
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Is it illegal to charge more for electricity than what you are charged?

It is not illegal to charge more for electricity that for what you were charged. You should look into your agreement you signed with your landlord to make sure what the agreement states.

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Yes. You signed the loan agreement, so you are liable.

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No. One week would not reach the level of abandonment.

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You can find your answer in your lease agreement. The fee is legal and payable if you signed a rental agreement that specified this amount as a late fee and you paid your rent late.

Can a late fee be charged if your check was put in the mail on the due date?

It depends upon the agreement. In some cases your check must be received by the due date.

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Own a Beautiful Vacation Home?

Owning a vacation home would be a dream come true for many. There are many beautiful vacation spots that one would love to visit. However, since not many are in a position to afford a vacation home, the option to rent is also available. There are several holiday rental options available in the holiday destinations. The rates charged will largely depend on the market rate among other factors. If you want to purchase a vacation home, the best approach would be to locate property agents.

What is the plea agreement?

If you are charged with a crime - SOMETIMES - in order to save you from a conviction for a serious offense, AND to save the government the cost of a trial - OR - in exchange for needed information that you can supply to law enforcement, you MAY be offered the opportunity to plead guilty to a lesser offense. If you agree, that is known as a 'plea agreement.'

Can landlord charge extra money for electricity which he claims that utilities are included originally?

In Massachusetts, the law requires that there be a specific written agreement that the tenant will be charged for utilities. Many states are the same.

How long after your rent is due until you are charged a late fee?

This depends on the laws of your state. In Massachusetts, the rent has to be at least 30 days late, and the late fee has to be in the written rental agreement.