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It is not illegal to charge more for electricity that for what you were charged. You should look into your agreement you signed with your landlord to make sure what the agreement states.

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Q: Is it illegal to charge more for electricity than what you are charged?
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Is electricity a negative charge?

A negative electrical charge occurs when you have more electrons than protons (electrons are negatively charged, and if you have more -'s than +'s the overall charge will be negative).

Does leaving on a cell phone cost money?

The carrier won't charge you extra. However, leaving your phone on will use more electricity than turning it off. You will then need to charge it more often, causing you to be charged more by your power company.

Is an electric charge a property of just electricity or is charge a property of all atoms?

Electric charge is a fundamental property of matter, existing at the atomic level. All atoms possess electric charge due to the presence of protons which are positively charged, electrons which are negatively charged, and neutrons that are neutral.

What is a charged particul?

A charged particle is an atom or molecule that has gained or lost one or more electrons, giving it a positive or negative electric charge. Charged particles play a key role in various physical and chemical processes, such as electricity conduction and chemical reactions.

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Sulfate has a charge of -2. This means that it has two more negatively charged electrons compared to the number of positively charged protons in its structure.

Are energy and electricity the same thing?

No, energy and electricity are not the same thing. Energy is a more general concept that can take many forms, such as mechanical, thermal, or chemical energy. Electricity is a specific type of energy that results from the flow of charged particles, typically electrons, through a conductor.

Which subatomic particle is responsibe for electricity?

Electricity can flow due to the movement of ANY charged particle. A current in metals is due to the movement of electrons, and this is the most common case for a current. However, a current can also be carried by holes, by positive or negative ions, etc.

How can hair affect static electricity?

Hair can contribute to static electricity when it becomes charged with electrons, typically through friction with other materials. Dry and damaged hair is more prone to holding a charge, causing static buildup. Using conditioner or anti-static products can help reduce static electricity in hair.

What is negatively charged?

A negative charge is the opposite of an ion. An Ion with a negative charge becomes an Anion. Normally with a negative charge they are called Electrons. See electrons for more help

What charge would an ion have if it had more electrons then protons?

The charge would be negative, since electrons are negatively charged.

Does static electricity attract water?

Static electricity itself does not attract water. However, if an object has a static charge, it can potentially attract water molecules due to the polar nature of water. This attraction is more due to the interaction between the charged object and the polar water molecules rather than the static electricity itself.

What is the overall charge when an atom has more protons than electrons?

It has a positive charge.