

It spews from cars and trucks?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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exhaust is spewed from cars and trucks.

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Is there a free online database of cars and trucks?

There are many for cars but for trucks I'm not sure.

Do gasoline make cars or trucks move?

Both. Cars and trucks use different types - cars use regular and trucks use deisel - but both are still gasoline.

What to girls like better cars or trucks?

yes trucks are better than because cars you can do a lot more with a truck than you can with cars

What do girls like better cars or trucks?


What do guys like girls to drive - trucks or expensive cars?

Expensive cars, because trucks are too manly.

In medieval times did they ride cars trucks?

Motorised cars and trucks have existed for less than 120 years.

Does Craigslist offer classified ads for trucks or just cars?

Yes they apparently do. I just checked and did not see a category for just cars. I saw a cars+trucks category with many trucks listed. Craiglist offers classified ads for both trucks and cars. Just go on the website and type in trucks in the search box and you should get a listing.

Are monster trucks scary?

No :) there just big cars and trucks :d

How many wheels are certain cars?

Most cars and trucks there are 4, some larger pick-up trucks have 6.

Do Trucks take longer to stop than passenger cars?

Trucks take longer to stop than passenger cars.

Where can one find used pickup trucks online?

One can find used pickup trucks from websites like Cars Direct, Pickup Trucks, Cars, U-Haul, Your Trucks For Sale, Audotrader, Enterprise Trucks and Woodcrest Motors.