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If your teen is a Licensed Driver and a member of your household or a minor ward and you have failed to disclose (Concealed Drivers Fraud) by adding them to your insurance policy, then she is not a covered driver under the terms and definitions of your auto insurance policy.

However, Since parents are liable under the law for the acts of a minor child, Your insurance company may be required to pay for the accident as a negligence claim against the insured parent.

If your insurer determines fraud on your part, they are not required to pay any claims arising out of fraud. In fact the law prohibits the insurance company from paying known fraud claims.

Depending on the internal operating policies of your insurer, they may or may not cancel the policy if concealment and negligence are determined.

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Q: Is your 17 year old licensed daughter covered if she drives your cars covered for insurance?
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Yes, as long as you add her as a regular driver on your insurance policy.

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That will depend on the laws of the state you reside in. You can get detailed information at your state's department of Insurance - they probably have a web site. It will also depend on the language of your auto policy - read section regarding "Other Insurance".

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Probably not, as most policies only cover drivers not listed on the policy if they were given permission to drive. If you gave your unlicensed daughter permission to drive, then you can be issued a ticket. However, if the accident was not your daughter's fault, then the at fault party is responsible for the damage they caused to your vehicle, regardless if the other party was licensed or not.

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