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No, all drivers in all U.S. states are required to carry financial responsibility. Being a new driver does not relieve one from their legal requirement while operating a motor vehicle on public roads.

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Q: Is there a grace period for a new driver for auto insurance?
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What is the WA state monthly payment grace period for auto insurance?

Is there a grace period for paying auto insurance in Arizona?

There is usually a ten day grace period before you insurance is canceled. It is not by the state as much by the policies of the individual insurance company.

Is there a legal grace period for cancelled auto insurance?

Every state has their own guidelines, consult with a local insurance agent for more information.

Is there a grace period for paying auto insurance in Utah?

Most auto policies do not have a 'grace' period, but (this is company and state specific), many will not allow the policy to go into 'lapsed' status if paid within ten days of expiration, contact your agent for this information.

Is there a grace period for paying auto insurance in Maryland?

This depends on the company that you are insured with. You will have to ask them what their policy is regarding late payments.

Is there a grace period for auto insurance when you trade in your car on a weekend and your insurance agent is closed until Monday?

It depends on the insurance company. Most companies will provide at least a 14 day grace period, but to be safe inform your company before you get the car, then call after you get the car to give all the details.

Can your parent have non driver's insurance but have their teen as a driver on their insurance?

As long as you have auto insurance yes.

How do you add a driver to auto insurance?

By calling your insurance agent

Is there an allowable grace period for auto insurance premiums to be late in Oklahoma?

In most cases, not. Insurers usually give you a 5-10 window to make payment and be re-instated. However during that time period you have no insurance.

Does auto insurance cover any driver of your car?

no, the driver has to be on your insurance or have there own insurance. if your driving and the persons with you then yes

How hard is it for a teenaged driver to get auto insurance in Rhode Island?

You must be at least 16 and have a driver license to get auto insurance in Rhode Island

Do you have to get your auto insurance under your cosigner's auto insurance if they cosign for you?

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