There are many different types of insurance policies to choose from, including comprehensive and liability. When choosing a policy, be sure to consider the cost and your basic needs.
Liability Coverage under an auto policy has what components: Medical payments Collision Comprehensive None of these Liability Coverage under an auto policy has what components: Medical payments Collision Comprehensive None of these Liability Coverage under an auto policy has what components: Liability Coverage under an auto policy has what components:
If you hit a deer, coverage is found in your auto policy in the "Other than collision" or comprehensive coverage section for damage to your covered auto. Liability is available only for third parties that you injure due to negligence.
Liability - pays for damages you caused to another auto or person(medical). Full Coverage (Comprehensive) - Includes Liability plus covers your vehicle for theft, fire and collision. There may also be other coverages on an auto policy, depending on your state, such as PIP.
Your liability portion of your auto insurance pays for injury and damages for which you are liable to others. Your Comprehensive and Collision portion of your auto policy will cover your own vehicle. One can not be liable to ones self. If you have "liability only" coverage, then their is no coverage for your own vehicle if you were at fault.
There is no such thing as a "comprehensive" general liability policy. It is "commercial" to differentiate it from personal-lines coverage. It is commercial general liability policy, or CGL; a generally standard group of coverages, exclusions, limits. This is different than a manafest policy where commercial coverages are added in a customized fashion. A comprehensive policy would be one where a business owner (BOP) might purchase with a pre-set group of coverages, exclusions, and limits. Thanks Actually, the term "Comprehensive General Liability" was replaced in 1986 with the term "Commercial General Liability." They are essentially the same policies.
No. Liability insurance covers damage you do to someone else's property. Theft would be covered by comprehensive insurance. In most jurisdictions, liability insurance is required but comprehensive is not.
I believe the term you are meaning to say is excess liability coverage. An excess liability policy act similar to an Umbrella policy that increases your liability limits on your underlying auto, home, boat, or rv policies at a very reasonable rate. An excess liability policy does differ from a true Umbrella policy so ask your agent to explain the differences and what is available for you.
Yes, garagekeeprs is part of the typical commercial insurance policy package, along with business auto general liability and property coverage, among others. Garagekeeps covers the commercial exposure for vehicles left in the insured's possession (which would be excluded under the general liability policy's auto exclusion) and usually has both comprehensive and collsion elements. For example, a vehicle left at a body shop or for an oil change.
Only if the trailer is listed on the policy with comprehensive or collision coverage. Many people do not list their trailers on their auto policy because the liability transfers from the pulling vehicle. The physical damage coverage does not.
if your full coverage includes comprehensive coverage then yes, Auto theft is covered under the comprehensive portion of your auto insurance policy.
There is no such thing as "SR22 Insurance". What is referred to as such is actually just Auto Insurance with an SR22 filing. Any liability Auto Insurance Policy or even a Full Coverage Auto Insurance Policy can have an SR22 Endorsement attached to it.
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