There is no such thing as "SR22 Insurance". What is referred to as such is actually just Auto Insurance with an SR22 filing. Any liability Auto Insurance Policy or even a Full Coverage Auto Insurance Policy can have an SR22 Endorsement attached to it.
Electronic SR22 Filings will usually show up within 72 hours of entry. for Manual SR22 filings you should allow the state up to 10 business days from the date of receipt.
Nationwide does offer general liability insurance as well as business liability insurance. Geico and many other insurance companies also offer liability insurance, it just might take a bit of sifting through to make sure they have what is needed.
You do not need event liability insurance for a big wedding. However, if the event is outside, then you may want to consider it. You should take out the insurance if it will give you comfort.
A business name is not required to obtain general liability insurance for your business. It is recommended that you incorporate your business to limit your liability.
Very local answer from a former owner builder. I was advised to take out general public liability insurance, construction insurance and with all contractors who entered and worked on the site, I demanded they produce their own valid liability insurance documents. If I employed a labourer I needed work cover (compensation) insurance.
UM stands for uninsured motorist. This type of coverage is used to take the place of the other parties insurance in paying for damage to your bodily injury and property damage expenses if the other party does not have insurance. You can purchase various amount of UM coverage just as you can for your liability insurance though most companies will not let you buy more UM coverage than you do for your liability coverage.
There is no law against a minor skydiving, but very few "drop zone" owners will take the risk - their liability insurance would be endangered.
This will vary depending on which company you choose to obtain your quote for Professional Liability Insurance. You should be able to receive a comparison quote within 1 to 5 business days.
Workers safety is of utmost importance since the contractor's job sites are often dangerous places and even though precautions and care is taken, there are still accidents that take place and cause losses to the business. For protection against these losses and to prevent excessive costs, a contractor holds Contractors Liability Insurance. In many jurisdictions it is also a legal requirement to hold liability insurance for employees, regardless of the nature of the work they undertake.
yes because they take you from place to place and no because they sometimes break down
yes you can just go to a insurance place and take out insurance policy he will have to be there also,
Assuming the woman is at fault and caused the accident, she is certainly responsible for the damage caused. Whether or not a person has insurance has no impact on liability and they are still legally required to compensate you for the damage. If she refuses to pay outright, you will have to take her to court in order to recover. That's the frustrating part when people don't carry insurance. In most states, drivers are required by law to carry liability insurance, so it is likely she was driving illegally. Whether a person has liability insurance or not has nothing to do with whether or not they are responsible for the damage they caused to another vehicle. If the other person is the one that was found to be the one that caused the damage, then they are liable for the damage, whether they have liability insurance or not.