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don't no i am 17 and just bought 1 i hope it isn't to bad... provisional was 1k if that helps

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Q: Is mg zr insurance high for 1st car and young 17 year old driver?
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What is average cost of car insurance for a teenager in Idaho?

The average cost for a new, young driver is $1,600 a year. Young drivers always have the highest insurance rates.

Can a 18 year old get cheap car insurance if her parents do not drive?

The answer: No. Insurance is not cheap to any young driver. Not being on a parents policy can be more expensive as well.

In Florida does a 16 year old have to be under their parents insurance before they get their license?

Typically you add the newly licensed driver after they get their license, however some companies require that a young driver with a lerners permit be added to the policy.

How can a 18 year old driver get motor vehicle insurance?

An 18 year old driver living on their own can obtain motor vehicle insurance from local insurance companies such as "State Farm" or "Farmers Insurance". These places as well as many others like "Progressive Insurance" and "Geico Insurance" can be found online for coverage.

Who has the lowest auto insurance rates for a forty year old driver with a clean driving record?

GEICO has the lowest auto insurance rates for a forty year old driver with a clean driving record\

How do you get new driver car insurance?

You will need to get new car insurance policy quotes and then purchase a car insurance policy for your car. The cost will depend upon your car, its make, model, year and other factors. Insurance premiums for new drivers are generally quite high.

How much is the average learning driver's car insurance?

Car insurance for new, young drivers is more expensive then adult's car insurance. The reason is drivers have to prove to the insurance companies that they are safe drivers. The average insurance for new drivers is anywhere from $2000 to $5000 a year, depending on the type of vehicle insured and one's location.

Can a sixteen year old driver be on a eighteen year olds car insurance?

no that could never happen!

How much is insurance on a semi truck?

This will depend on year and brand of truck, a driver record, number of miles truck will be driven in a year, and type of freight a driver will be hauling

What is an estimated car insurance cost for a 16 year old driver in North Carolina?

$2000 a year or more

Can 18 year old female get car insurance in Fayetteville Arkansas?

Yes, any legal driver can and must have car insurance.