As long as you're a good enough driver and the garage is roomy enough - No.
You'll get a little bit more of exhaust fumes in there, but not really enough to matter.
I'm extremely sorry that I can't answer this, but i recommend you take the car to a garage, somehow.
There may be something wrong with the transmission or the linkage.
take it to a garage there may be something wrong with the fuel delivery system.
Complain in writing to the Garage and get yourself a lawyer (attorney ) if you car has been damaged because of this.
Check your motor mounts.
A house for a car would be called a garage.
It would depend on the size of the one car garage and garage door opening.It depends on the size of the garage. Not all one car garages are the same size.
When you buy a car the garage comes with the new car that you bought
Two Car Garage was created in 1983.
What is average size of two car garage?
Drive in the garage.