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It is never safe to travel with a bent subframe. Once a major suspension piece is damaged you run the risk of further damage to parts that may not be damaged already but once structural parts are damaged they must be replaced because they are not going to hold up in another accident.

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Q: Is it safe to travel if you have a bent sub frame?
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It's a sub frame car.

Why a Mercedes Benz sub frame would bent?

To assist in absorbing road stress with computer engineered steel. There is a W140 promo sales video out there in Chinese, it shows the extent of the "bent?" Thou twist may be a more descriptive analogy.

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there is no steal frame- its called a sub frame its not like the old cars or trucks

Why do you hear a knocking sound when you drive?

Not sure where or when you are hearing the noise but a check of the sub frame that hols the engine is a place to start. The sub frame is bolted to the frame near each front tire. The bolts go through the sub frame, rubber isolators, then into the main frame. Make sure that the rubber isolator and bolt have not pulled through sub frame. Also the other three things would be a broken strut, bad cv joint, or bad wheel bearing.

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It won't just bolt on , your gona have to remove the Busa sub frame 1st, then get the angle of the Gìxer sub frame how you want it. Mark the sub frame. Were it needs to be cut , find a good Aluminum welder and have them weld the ends for

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The front sub frame is all the same from 95-02 cavalier, Z24 or sunfire. i had a rotten one in my 97 and used a frame from a 01 sunfire GT

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check you frame or sub frame mounting.

What is erection in construction project?

Construction of the sub-structure. The frame.

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K-Frame, Sub Frame, Cross member, Depends on the vehicle.

What is frame within a frame usually called?

in our photography class, it is either frame within frame, or double images. everyone calls it different things, but universally called frame within frame. :) If you mean frame within a 'door' frame. then it is called a sub-frame

How do you frame a house on blocks?

By building a pedimented sub-floor first.

How do you replace the sub-frame bushings on a 1996 Dodge Intrepid?

Unscrew the bolts. Buuut....don't drop the engine on your head! The Motor is mounted to the sub-frame along with various susupension and other parts. I had to replace one on my Intrepid so I only took one off. You will have to put a jack under the motor/sub-frame when you unscrew the bushings, drop the sub-frame away from the unibody (what the subframe bolts to), and replace the top and bottom portion of the bushing. It is a two part kit available from Dorman and others, but not an easy find...