Each state has their own laws on who can put a tracking device on a car, and in what circumstances it is okay. However, in all situations, you could not put a tracking device on a person's car without their knowledge. You could put one on your own car. An employer can put one on a car that an employee drives, however, they may have to let the employee know, depending on their state laws.
No it is not legal to put a baby in the front seat of a car.
because someones an a$#hole
Yes, it is legal to put 3 car seats in the back of a car as long as they are installed properly and meet safety regulations.
If you don't have a notarized document allowing you to hold those items as collateral, then it's considered theft.
Yes, it is legal to put a car seat in a single cab truck in California as long as the car seat is properly installed and meets safety regulations.
put glue in someones shoes or put pepper in someones sandwich
No yes. the titled owner should be listed as an aditional insured.
nothing. but if you put EYE drops in someones drink they will have an intestinal situation.
Of course.