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In most cases, no. There's usually a waiting period after they receive the payment * Agreed, if the policy was not in force at the time of the accident the insurer is not liable for paying damage claims.

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Q: Is insurance coverage valid if the insured did not make a payment to finalize the policy before an accident occurred?
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Will the insurance company pay for damages or injury claims if the policy was canceled days after you got in an accident?

As long as the policy was in effect at the time the accident occurred then coverage will be afforded and damages will be paid.

If you have an accident and then reinstate your insurance are you covered?

If the accident occurred after your policy lapsed and before reinstatement, no, it won't.

Will full coverage insurance cover your car if hit by another car on private property?

It should unless there was some illegal activity that had occurred and you had the proper coverages. There is no difference in a private property accident or a public street accident when it comes to paying claims.

Will insurance cover the damages to the transmission from an auto accident?

If the damage occurred during the accident in question, then it should.

What happens if I had insurance at the time of an accident someone hit my parked....but now I need to file a claim and now I don't have insurance?

Your insurance SHOULD cover the damage assuming you had comprehensive coverage and not just liability. However, you might have a problem proving the damage occurred while you were still covered.

What do you need when you've received a summons stating you are being sued for a car accident which occurred 18 months ago?

You should call your insurance co. first. They will have the information you need. If you did not have insurance at the time of the accident or have changed insurance carriers since the accident consult an attorney.

Does an insurance company have to prove the date of an accident or disprove when you say it happened?

In most insurance claims, the burden of proof is on the claimant - in other words, YOU have to prove the accident occurred for them to pay off the claim.

If an unlicensed driver was involved in an accident in one of the vehicles on your auto insurance policy Will your insurance cover the charges?

Maybe. Did the unlicensed driver have your permission to be operating the car when the accident occurred? If so, maybe not.

How do you file a insurance claim against the party that was at fault in an accident that occurred in a parking lot Without involving my insurance company.?

Just file a claim with the other parties insurance company. You called the police and got an accident report, right?

What is a full coverage auto insurance?

Their is no such thing as full coverage in legal terms. What people refer to when they say that is Physical Damage Coverage for a vehicle. What physical damage coverage breaks down into 2 parts. Collision Coverage: Does include a deductible, covers the vehicle from damage resulting in a person being at-fault in an accident, and damage has occurred to the vehicle in which it has to be repaired or replaced. This does also protect the vehicle if an accident or damage results from a uninsured motorists or under insured motorists Comprehensive Coverage:(also known as other then collision) Does include a deductible, covers the vehicle from damages due to vehicle that are out of control of the insured. This would be from weather, vandalism, theft, hitting an animal, and etc. Remember, insurance company's insure vehicles of the actual cash amount at that time. If you have a collector car, you would to get collector car insurance, in which their is a stated amount.

Will a homeowners insurance policy cover for an accident to an insured off property?

There is no coverage at all for an accident to an insured either off property or on property. A Homeowners policy provides coverage for structures, personal property, additional living expenses due to loss, liability coverage and medical payments. There is coverage away from premises for insured personal property provided it is due to loss from a covered cause. Coverage is generally limited to 10% of coverage C and if it is theft, insured must be temporarily residing where the theft occurred. The liability coverage provided by the policy covers the insured away from premises. These all are general statements and there are exclusions so the policy should be consulted.

What happens if you have no insurance on a rental car and a signed driver gets into an accident who is responsible for the other cars damages?

It depends on the state the accident occurred in. In California the renter is responsible. Again this varies by the state of the accident.