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All vehicle owners with a registered vehicle in the state of PA are required to bind and maintain continuous auto insurance coverage as mandated by the state. PA financial responsibility laws require that drivers carry a minimum amount of liability coverage and Personal Injury Protection coverage. The state requires that drivers carry no less than $15,000 per accident and $30,000 per accident in Bodily Injury Coverage and $5,000 per occurrence in Property Damage. While not every state requires drivers to carry Personal Injury Protection, (PIP), PA does require drivers to carry this for their own protection. PIP coverage provides first party benefits and is a form of medical payments coverage that is paid regardless of fault to the policyholder and passengers. You must carry a minimum of $5000 of PIP coverage to satisfy state laws.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yes it is required by law in Pennsylvania that all motor vehicle owners purchase and maintain auto insurance.

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Is auto insurance required in the state of PA?

Auto insurance is a state law requirement in PA. You are only required to carry liability insurance.

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In PA you are required to carry at least liability coverage. This is the law in most states.

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You can go to to search for insurance rate in PA

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Geico offers great rates for auto insurance for the state of Pa

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There are several options for auto insurance in PA. You can get quotes and compare rates at this website:

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Yes, full coverage auto insurance is required for auto financing. This rule protects the bank if you have an accident.

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There are many companies that offer quotes for auto insurance in Philadelphia, PA. Liberty Mutual and Progressive are the two companies one can request an auto insurance quote from.

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State Farm has local office throughout PA.

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Is auto insurance required in the state of Rhode Island?

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