"Semi truck" has become common usage for a Class 7 or 8 truck driver pulling a trailer which is mounted by a fifth wheel, but can be applied to any truck pulling a trailer which is fifth wheel mounted.
There are several compnies that ofer commercial semi truck lease. You can try www.LoneMountainTruck.com ,or even big nme like Penske,offers lease.
Yes, there are commercial/semi truck repair shops, in San Diego. Dion International Trucks, Fleet Supply Inc., C&M Motors, and southern California Fleet Services are a few of the commercial or semi truck repair shops available in San Diego.
There's a wide variety of companies out there that allow you to rent out a semi truck. Of the big names, there's www.budgettruck.com/Commercial, www.ryder.com/rental_truckspecs_rental-moving-trucks.shtml, and semileasepurchase.com
Depends on the size and duty level of the truck. Typically they are well over 26,000lb fully loaded.
A semi-truck or a commercial airplane can weigh around 55,000 lbs.
You have many places online that you can access to learn about commercial trucks financing. One place to go for legitimate information is www.commercialtrucktrader.com/.../truck-loans-leasing
Who invented the Semi-truck?
If the semi truck knocked on the garbage truck, yes.
A "Big" truck is a non-technical term. It can mean a large pickup, or a semi-truck. Trucks are classified as light medium and heavy.
semi commercial farming
semi commercial farming
Generally speaking, you will need your divers license and the truck's DMV registration. If this is a commercial truck or semi-tractor trailor, you'll need manifests or log books.