

Best Answer

YES! it is a good product. in the gas it lubricates the top-end of the engine and dissolves carbons. it also keep injector tips clean from varnish to be more efficient in these gas crisis days. it lubricates valves and the fuel pump which has nothing to lube it internally. i say, yes, it is good to use MMO, at least occasionally if not in every tank!

I will second this product, it is a good product when used as directed.

It's advised, when using MMO (Marvel Mystery Oil) in your crankcase (oil) to replace 10-20% of your oil with MMO. Generally, you replace 1 quart of your standard oil, with 1 qt (or even a pint, if you fear of extremely dirty oil) of Marvel Mystery Oil.

Then, for the gas treatment, all it takes is 4 oz. per 10 gallons....Note: The smallest bottle they have is 16 oz. so you will have to do some measuring, using a measuring cup, or a graduated cylinder so you can accurate pour the dosage into your fuel tank.

It has been noted on their site and forum, that "over dosing" on MMO isn't really possible, it will simply mix with the fuel that's already in there...BUT they do recommend driving the vehicle as normal, and filling up the tank at 1/2 tank, two times before adding any more MMO to the fuel.

I tested this oil, myself. I went from 19.5 mph to 11.8 mph and I lost horse power. I'll never use this oil again. 1995 F150 5.0L [6oz oil to 19 gal gas.]

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According to consumers, Marvel Mystery oil is better than Gumout oil. The Marvel Mystery oil is used to unclog any valves and it is additive free unlike Gumout.

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If your lifters are sticking you can try some oil additive like Marvel Mystery oil Marvel Mystery oil has been around for a long time and it works pritty good.

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Can you use mm oil in synthetic oil?

Yes. Marvel mystery oil is fully compatible with synthetic oil.

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Marvel mystery oil is used alot for its odor

What kind of oil for a Zenith Carburetor for a 1977 MG?

Marvel Mystery Oil works well.

Can you use Marvel Mystery Oil in your auto transmission?

Yes read their Faq

What is marvel mystery oil made from?

Marvel Mystery Oil is made from a proprietary blend of mineral oils, detergents, and additives designed to clean and lubricate various parts of an engine. The exact formulation is a trade secret.

Can Marvel Mystery oil be used as a 2 cycle oil?

no, you must use a 2 cycle engine oil designed for your application

Which is better lucas upper cylinder lubricant or marvel mystery oil?

Lucas by far man!

What can you use to get sludge out of your car?

You can use plain water to get sludge out of your car radiator. You can use Marvel Mystery oil to remove sludge from the oil pan.