If your insurance company says they will only pay half the costs of the roof repair, it is probably outlined that way in your policy. You should double check your policy.
It depends on why your roof needs replacement. Bear in mind that your property insurance policy is "Hazard and Accident Insurance", and not a home warranty or home maintenance policy.If your roof was damaged by a covered peril such as wind, hail, lightning, etc, Then your homeowners insurance would cover the cost of repair subject to your deductible of the damaged portion. It would only replace the entire roof if your policy has replacement valuation and the roof was damaged beyond the ability to repair it.If your roof is just old and has reached it's life expectancy then it is not covered under your homeowners insurance policy. That would be a normal expected maintenance expense incidental to home ownership. Composition shingle roofs for example have a rated life expectancy of about 20 to 25 years. After the roof has reached it's life expectancy it is considered to have depreciated to zero value and therefore non-insurable.
It depends on why your roof needs replacement. If your roofing material has reached the end of it's life expectancy (normally no more than 20 years) then it is not covered. This is an owners maintenance issue considered a normal and expected part of home ownership. Much the same as a home needing an occasional paint job. If the roof needs replacement due to damaged caused by a covered peril such as Fire, wind hail etc. then you may have coverage. If damaged due to a covered peril and you have a replacement valuation on your policy then your insurance company would cover the cost of repair or replacement depending on the extent of damage and the roofs repairability. If you purchased a less expensive policy based on ACV, then the insurance company would only pay the depreciated value of the roof. In this case the home owner would need to make up the difference out of pocket in order to pay for the roof replacement.
Only if it was damaged as a result of a accident.
Probably only if you have full coverage. Otherwise the Insurance company will deny you.
HOAIt means our policy is based on actual value rather than replacement cost. It means that the insurance company is not guaranteeing you the replacement of your home if it burns down. For example, your insurance policy limit is $200,000, but the cost of replacing your home is $210,000, if you had a replacement policy, the insurance would pay for the replacement of your home despite the fact that your insurance limit is only $200,000. However, the insured value at the time of the loss is usually required to be at least 80% of the replacement cost before your policy is covered on a replacement cost basis.
No, There is no such law. What the company will pay for the repair of your roof is dependent on what type of policy you bought and the age of your roofing material. If you bought an HO1, the cheapest Home Insurance Policy then you probably have cash value coverage. The company will only pay to repair the damaged portion of your roof. Match and asthetic issues are generally excluded from coverage under the HO1 If you bought an HO2 or HO3 policy then you may have full replacement value coverage, in which case they will pay whatever it cost to replace the entire roof. Match issues are addressed in your Insurance Policy Contract you agreed to when you purchased your insurance.
No. The insurance will only cover the replacement of the one brick wall that falls.
No,, they only have to repair or replace the damage but it really depends on the type of policy you bought. If you bought the cheapest policy you could find than you probably don't have full replacement coverage. If you only had some tiles or shingles blow off, then it does not matter what coverage you purchased, there is probably no need to replace the entire roof.
That would be a silly thing to do. What about the rest of the structure and liability?
The best insurance cover you can have for your RV is in the form of reliable and durable roof coating over your head. Liquid RV roof is a multipurpose roof coating that not only waterproofs the roof, protects it from harsh weather conditions and it helps block UV rays.Make a call at : 855-281-0940. Our experts are always willing to help.
Only your insurance agent can tell you. I would think not. It's like getting an oil leak on your car. You pay for that. If the leaf is the result of something falling on your roof I believe that would be an insurance issue.
Because you have "Replacement Cost Protection" The coverage is designed to replace your loss not compensate you for it. Be glad you have it. Otherwise they would only give you that 1st check and that is at depreciated value. 4lifeguild