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You do not owe money for a car if it has been repossessed, so your wages can't be garnished for that reason.

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Q: In Utah can your wages be garnished for a car that was repossessed?
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If your car is repossessed in the state of Pa. can your wages be garnished?

READ your contract.

If your car is repossessed in Pennsylvania can your wages and bank accounts be garnished?

check this site

Can your wages be garnished for a car that was repossessed?

Yes, if there was a deficiency balance owing after the car was sold at auction. Your creditor would have to sue you and obtain judgment in order to garnish your wages.

If your car is repossessed in the state of NC can your wages be garnished?

No not in the state of NC - only for child support and taxes. Wanda Improve Credit, LLC

If your wages are garnished for a car loan but the car hasn't been repossessed can you keep the car?

That's the point. They want the money, not the car, so they garnished your wages to pay that loan. Keep it, drive it, enjoy it. If you want to sell that car, any money would FIRST go to pay that loan and you could keep any cash left over.

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Can your wages be garnished if you volunteer to turn the car in?


If your repossessed car is worth about 6000 and you owe approximately 25000 can your pay check be garnished for the balance after the car is sold?

In most states, YES. The lender can garnishee the signor AND cosignor wages and/or attach other personal property.

If your car is repossessed and your wages are garnished can the company you work for fire you?

Yes, you can be terminated from a job for any justifiable reason. The repossession and garnishment are YOUR problems, not your employer's. * No, it is illegal for an employer to fire an employee because of his or her wages being garnished. Unfortunately, it is usually not difficult for an employer to come up with a plausible reason to discharge an employee in order to circumvent discriminatory practice laws.

If a person had a car repossessed, and the sherriff dept, is garnishing wages, will this persons tax refund be effected?

If your wages are being garnished it will not effect how much you get back or pay in. Keep in mind though the garnishing authority could take your refund with a process called claim of right or offset.

Why do you still have to pay and how can your wages be garnished when you voluntarily allowed your car to be repossessed and it was sold for the complete balance owed?

personally that's more of a question for a lawyer to handle. if i were you i would speak to a lawyer its your best bet. good luck