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personally that's more of a question for a lawyer to handle. if i were you i would speak to a lawyer its your best bet. good luck

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Q: Why do you still have to pay and how can your wages be garnished when you voluntarily allowed your car to be repossessed and it was sold for the complete balance owed?
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In Ohio can child support and temporary alimony payments be garnished for a car that was voluntarily repossessed?

No, both are exempt from garnishment by a judgment creditor . Please note, the judgment debtor must claim the allowed exemptions they are not automatically granted by the court.

Are you allowed to obtain your personal property from your car that was repossessed?

Yes You Are !!!!!!!!!!!!

Is social security retirement income allowed to be garnished for alimony arrears and payments?


Can someones income be garnished at 100 percent?

No, the typical amount allowed is 25% of disposable income.

Can a husband and wife have their wages garnished at the same time for unsecured debt?

If there is a judgment and a garnishment allowed by the court this could happen. However, this barely ever is approved for unsecured debt. Most people would file bankruptcy before they allowed their wages to be garnished.

Can you retrieve personal belongings from a repo car?

Yes you can retrieve personal belongings from your car if it gets repossessed. By law you are allowed 7 days after your car gets repossessed to retrieve your personal belongings.

Can wages be garnished for medical bills in Ohio?

Yes wage garnishments are allowed in OH, providing there is a court awarded judgment.

When your car is repossessed in Texas are they allowed to open it?

YES, they have to get your Personal Property out to inventory it and store it until you pick it up.

Can a vehicle be repossessed if you allowed a military person to take over vehicle payments and he has not paid anything?

it doesn't matter if the pope takes over your vehicle payments. if he stops making them, your credit is damaged and the vehicle is repossessed.

Can you get your speakers out of your car if its been repossessed?

If they're mounted already, you won't be allowed to, unless you sucessfully petition the lienholder to allow it.

Are you allowed to ask for trust points at the end of a really good answer?

If it is truly a good answer you do not have to ask for trust points. No. Asking for trust points is not allowed; they are given voluntarily by others, and should not be solicited.

How can you find out where a bank will sell your repossessed vehicle?

It will most likely go to a wholesale auction where only licensed dealers are allowed to bid.