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No months. It will be more like weeks or days. In practice, you can be one day past due and the lender can send your vehicle for repossession. It might be months before the actual repossession happens; it will depend on how difficult it is for the agency to secure it.

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Q: In Texas how many months before repossession?
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When can a bank reposess a car?

A bank can repossess a car at any time the loan has defaulted. Many times a bank will wait until a payment is 2 to 3 months behind before repossession.

What are the repossession laws in Texas?

REPO LAWS DOT COM has a good over view of the rules in Texas.

How many payments in the state of Texas can you be behind for repo?

Legally if you miss 1 payment you are delinquent and they can start repossession proceedings on their vehicle.

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Thay can, and in many jurisdictions it is required before repossession is performed. In others it is only necessary to notify police within 24 hours of recovery.

In general how many months can a person fall behind in car payments before the car will be repossessed?

Typically a person is given three months or approximately 90 days to miss car payments before a car is subject to repossession. Usually the bank or credit union that issued the loan will call to try and arrange payments with the car owner.

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Typically, one day past the grace period. Some lenders will only permit a debtor to be two weeks delinquent before starting the repossession machine.

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How many months will a repossession man look for a car before they sue?

I've personally seen repossession cases sent from agency to agency for as many as five years before the lender ever attempt to take it legal. You have to understand, they lose nothing by waiting and potentiall gain a tremendous amount of accrued interest. Repossessions is a waiting game. It is important to know that with improvements in technology and changes in the law, it is becoming much more difficult to hide from your obligations. Your best recourse is to stop running, surrender the vehicle, and get on with your life.

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1o months

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Four months.

How many times can you be late for a car payment before it is reposessed?

Answering "How many times can you be late for a car payment before it is reposessed?" by law they can repossess your car when your 1 day late- there is no law against that! However, your best option, would be to contact CAR HELP USA. They stop repossession, get your payments up to date, lower interest rates, lower your monthly auto bill, help with repossession, and so on. They helped me get a car back from repossession in the past! Do something before the problem just gets worse.