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Typically, one day past the grace period. Some lenders will only permit a debtor to be two weeks delinquent before starting the repossession machine.

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Q: How many days deliquent can someone be on a car loan in Connecticut before facing repossession?
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How late can a vehicle payment be in Virginia before repossession?

I am a repossession agent in Virginia it takes 2-3 months of not paying before the repossession status occurs.AnswerI am a repossession agent in Virginia it takes 1 missed payment then repossession status occurs.

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What can you do about a repossession if you only owed 717 dollars and you were never contacted about the repossession?

Pay the money. You don't have to be contacted about the repossession; you are aware of the terms of your loan in your contract. If you're behind, pay what you owe so you can get the vehicle back. * The amount owed is not relevant. The following states require "right to cure" notification before repossession action can be taken: Colorado, Connecticut, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Massachuetts, Missouri, South Carolina and West Virginia and Wisconsin (replevin order required).

Do you receive notification before auto repossession?

You will receive notices that your payments have not been received, making your auto subject to repossession, but you will not receive a date and time of the repossession.

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Does a repossession agent need to be insured in the state of Connecticut?

Well you will never get any work if you are not insured, atleast do not hold out for ford triad or anybody else , you might get title loan company's but almost all of them require there recovery agents to be insured. but there are no licensing requirments. police departments must be notified after the repossession and some require to notify them before hand

In Texas how many months before repossession?

No months. It will be more like weeks or days. In practice, you can be one day past due and the lender can send your vehicle for repossession. It might be months before the actual repossession happens; it will depend on how difficult it is for the agency to secure it.

What was Connecticut name before it name was Connecticut?

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How can a repossession with a zero balance affect a credit score and can it be removed?

A repossession will significantly lower your credit score, regardless of the balance. It will take around 7 years before the repossession is removed from the credit report.

What does pre-repo status mean?

Basically, it means last chance to pay before repossession takes place. The procedure for repossession is in progress.

Can you collect a repossession fee if you do not send a pre repossession letter in Maryland?

In Maryland, a repossession fee cannot be collected if a pre repossession letter was not sent to the debtor. The letter is a legal requirement that must be provided before repossession can occur, and failure to send it could invalidate the repossession.

What are my rights for auto reposession in Colorado?

The car company generally has to give you notice before going through with a repossession. Also, they should give you the opportunity to pay the outstanding bill before resorting to a repossession.