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If she is Not Licensed and Does Not drive and her name is not on the vehicle registration or the Finance Note , Then " No " she does not have to be on your insurance policy. A policy will not normally cover an unlicensed driver. An exception might be if the car is loaned to someone who the owner believes to have a valid license but does not. Since you know your wife is NOT licensed, this could not apply. Another exception could be if the car is taken without the owner's permission. This would apply only if you were to have your wife charged with Grand Theft - Auto. My advice is to ignore everyone's advice, including mine up to this point, and get the opinion that counts from the agent writing the policy.

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Q: If your wife does not have a license and does not drive does she need to be on your auto insurance policy when one insurance man said yes and another said no?
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Can you drive a car which has no insurance policy but you have a insurance policy on another car?

Depends on the state and your insurance policy. call your local agent.

Do you need to include your non driving unlicensed spouse to your car insurance?

If your spouse has no drivers license and does not drive, then no, you don't have to include them on your auto insurance policy. Actually, they have to have a drivers license before they can be added to the policy.

Will insurance cover accident with suspended license?

Probably not. I am certain that somewhere in your policy there's a clause stating that you can not drive while your license is suspended.

If I am uninsured and I want to drive my farther insured car can I still drive it legally?

It depends on our father's insurance. My children may drive my car because my insurance covers anyone I give permission to drive my car (they have have a valid license). However, my ex-wife's policy does not allow it - by not having this option she actually lowers her premium. This can vary from state to state and insurance policy to insurance policy. Have your father call his agent and get the correct answer for his policy. He may have to make an adjustment to his policy to allow you to drive his car.

Person a has a license but can't get insurance person b has a revoked license dui's can b get insurance and have a drive on b's policy?

Misrepresentation of the risk to the insurer by ommission of a known driver is Insurance Fraud. So the answer to your Question is "NO"

If you have liability insurance on one vehicle are you insured if you drive another vehicle?

Auto insurance typically covers the car, not the driver. So, if you have insurance on your vehicle, but you drive another vehicle that doesn't have insurance, you are not protected by your policy if you have an accident in that other vehicle. However, if you have insurance on your vehicle, and you lend it to a driver (from another household) who does not have his or her own insurance, they will be covered by your policy while they are driving your car.

If you dont have an automoble Can you put insurance on your drivers license?

No. Auto insurance is just that ... an insurance policy for the automobile, and those who ride in it or drive it. If you have the full permission to drive someone else's car, and they have the proper auto insurance in full effect, then you are covered under their policy. If you are going to be driving their vehicle most of the time, then they need to add your name to the policy.

Can you cancel your car insurance policy?

You sure can cancel your insurance policy BUT you might not want to. In our state insurance is required to drive a car or truck and you can be fined and lose you drivers license if your caught driving without insurance. I would question the wisdom of cancelling your insurance

You have fully comp car insurance can idrive another persons car third party if the car has a current mot and tax but the owners insurance has runout?

Of course you can drive it... you can drive any car you want... I think the question you are asking though is whether or not it will be legal to drive and whether or not an out of force car insurance policy will cover you if you wreck the vehicle even if it has a current tax and license... right? The answer to those questions is NO. If the current owner's coverage is not in force, it is not legal for you to drive the vehicle unless you have a Non-Owner Insurance policy which insures any vehicle you drive. An out of force policy will NOT cover you at all. Whether the vehicle has current license and tax has no bearing at all on whether you meet your States insurance guidelines.

Do you need a driver's license to buy auto insurance?

Not to buy an auto insurance policy necessarily but you must have one to be listed as a driver on the policy and to legally drive the vehicle.

Will my insurance pay for damages for drivers car without license?

When you allow someone to drive your car, you are giving them the coverage of your insurance. If they were to get into an accident, your policy would pay first.

Is it legal to drive a car that is not insured on your insurance?

It is illegal to drive a car that is not insured for at least third party cover (i.e. if you hit someone then they - but not you - will get paid out). Therefore if the car is not covered on an insurance policy that YOU have then to drive it you would need to be covered on someone else's insurance. Some people hold insurance policies that allow anyone (with permission from the owner) with a valid license to drive the car and in this case you would b covered on this policy - many company cars have this sort of policy. It is you DUTY to make sure that you/the car has as covering policy before you drive it and that you can PRODUCE this policy for the police should they require you to do so.