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No. But they won't pay for it of course. =)

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Q: If your parked car was involved in a hit-and-run with damage less than your deductible and you filed a police report do you have to notify your insurance?
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If the deductible is more than the damage do you have to go through your insurance company if you have a minor accident?

Only if there were another vehicle involved. If for instance you back into a tree you wouldn't want to make a claim, unless the damage exceeded the deductible. Perhaps not even then.

What is meant by the term deductible?

The term deductible, when discussing insurance issues, applies to the amount of money you must pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage will pay for a claim. For example, if you have a $500 deductible on your homeowner's insurance policy and you have $1,000 worth of hail damage, you must pay your $500 deductible towards the damage and your insurance policy will kick in to pay the remaining $500 for repairs.

If you got full coverage insurance and you hit a tree will your insurance pay for the damage?

Yes, minus your deductible.

Tenant glass coverage in property insurance?

Typically refers to an endorsement on your building insurance policy that provides a reduced deductible for glass damage. Sometimes referred to as a "glass deductible buyback"

If your car is vandalized who pays for the damage?

The vandal if the can be found and sued. Otherwise your insurance if you have full coverage. You will pay a deductible and recover the deductible if the vandal is ever found and successfully sued by your insurance carrier.

Will homeowner's insurance pay for raccoon damage?

Generally yes, subject to your standard deductible if any.

If you have full coverage auto insurance and you damage another vehicle and not yours do you have to pay a deductible?

It is the liability portion of your auto policy that pays for the damage to another vehicle that you hit. There is no deductible to fix the other car.

What is the auto dudctable insurance?

In terms of auto insurance, the deductible is the amount the policyholder is committing to pay if their vehicle is damaged or stolen before the insurance company is responsible for paying out a claim. A deductible applies to both comprehensive and collision physical damage coverage. Comprehensive will pay for damage or loss to your vehicle resulting from fire, theft, vandalism, hail damage, and wind. Collision pays for damage caused by an accident. You will be required to choose a deductible for each coverage ranging from $0 to $2000. While higher deductibles offer lower auto insurance rates, you will be responsible for paying this amount before the insurance company will cut a claims check. Choose a deductible that is practical for your situation.

What is cell phone insurance?

Coverage to replace your cell phone if it's lost or damage. It may have a deductible.

Do you have to pay deductible if it was vandalism?

Whether you have to pay a deductible for vandalism on your insurance policy depends on the terms of your specific policy. Some policies have a separate deductible for vandalism, while others may waive the deductible for this type of claim. Check your policy documents or contact your insurance provider to determine if a deductible applies in your situation.

Does homeowners insurance cover garage door damage?

Yes, homeowners insurance will cover garage door damage. You may want to look at your policy to find out what your deductible is. If the deductible is more than the cost of the repair to the door, it would not be beneficial to file a claim.

In Georgia if a deer hits your vehicle do you have to pay the deductible?

Yes, if you want to turn it into your insurance, you will be required to pay the deductible before they will cover the other costs of the damage. If another person hits your car, you would not have to pay your deductible.