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Short answer yes, if it is in your policy

long answer, would not be smart to claim it.

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Q: If your mattress breaks can you claim it on home insurance?
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Have you received your home insurance claim check from the mortgage company yet?

No, I have not received the home insurance claim check from the mortgage company yet.

Which will help you when you file a claim for home insurance?

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How do you Claim for broken window on home insurance?

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What kinds of tax breaks and deductions are available for home based businesses?

Home based businesses are able to take a number of tax breaks and deductions. They are able to depreciate the cost of their home, claim a portion of utility expenses, and claim a portion of home improvement costs as well.

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What should I do with the leftover money from my home insurance claim?

Consider saving the leftover money from your home insurance claim for future emergencies or home repairs. Alternatively, you could invest it in a savings account or use it to upgrade or improve your home.

Can you withdraw a claim from your home insurance?

Yes you can withdraw your claim, but once reported, the damage and the claim filing are still on record.

If your insurance company drops you before a claim is settled how do you get insurance coverage on your home?

They should not drop you before a claim is settled. If they have contact your state department of insurance and file a complaint.

If a home insurance claim is made within thirty days of purchasing a home does the claim go against the previous owner's insurance?

Once you become the legal owner of the home and something occurs that is covered by homeonwers insurance then it is your insurance that must cover the claim. In the event the incident is not covered by your insurance policy and you feel that a material misrepresentation was made by the seller then I can only suggest getting the advice of an attorney.

What if your neighbors home burned and your home was damaged how can you make a claim with their insurance?

You don't need too. Just make your loss claim on your own homeowners insurance policy. If your neighbor is liable for your loss then your Insurance Company will subrogate the matter for you.

How long do you have to file a claim on your house insurance in va?

You will have to check your home owner's policy. It is a contract that you have with the insurance company and will specify how long you have to file a claim.

Branch fell on windshield auto or home insurance?

File the claim on your auto insurance. Homeowners insurance does not cover automobiles.