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Yep. Both of you are, in fact: her as the driver, and you as the owner.

And if your state requires you carry liability insurance on vehicles you own, you are particularly susceptible to an injured party coming after you.

To make a long story short, you allow your girlfriend to drive a vehicle which you know has no insurance. By doing so, you've accepted a pretty big risk. By accepting that risk, you put yourself in a dangerous situation if an accident occurs. Definitely something to think about...

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Q: If your girlfriend gets into a wreck while driving your secondary car are you responsible if you do not have insurance on that car?
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If you have an accident while driving another person's car will your insurance or the owner's pay the claim?

Auto Insurance follows the car not the driver. My son's girlfriend was driving his car when they where in an accident and his insurance was responsible.

Can I get fined for driving a car I dont own with no registration or insurance?

Yes. You are driving so you are responsible.

Who would be liable if you were driving a friend's vehicle and got into an accident and they did not have insurance?

The driver's insurance would then be considered "secondary," meaning if the owner of the auto didn't have insurance, then if the person driving the car had insurance, they would be liable.

What if you are driving someones car that doesnt have insurance and you get in an accident but you did not know they did not have insurance?

Usually, it is the responsibility of the owner. However, if you have insurance on your vehicle, they will step in as secondary coverage...including covering the damage to the vehicle you were driving, if you have the coverage.

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Their insurance would be primary and your insurance would be secondary, generally speaking.

Does your insurance cover you if you crash a car while test driving?

You should have coverages available but your policy is considered secondary to the insurance that is on the vehicle.

What if you are driving someone else's car and you get in an accident that is your fault?

Their insurance would be primary and your insurance would be considered secondary when filing a claim.

Who is responsible for a ticket while driving without car insurance?

The person in who's name the the ticket was issued is responsible for the ticket.

How old do you have to be to have a girlfriend or a boyfriend?

a good age to start dating is 16 your driving and you are more responsible.

What if someone is driving your car and they get into an accident and get hurt and they do not have car insurance is the owners insurance responsible for medical for the injured driver and damages?

You guessed it!

Can you get a ticket for driving with no insurance if you are pulled over driving a borrowed car that is not insured even though your personal car is insured MN?

Absolutely. You are responsible for making sure the vehicle that you are driving is insured. It does not make any difference that you have other car insurance or even that the owner of the vehicle has other insurance. If there is not insurance on the vehicle you are driving then you are guilty.

If you have full coverage auto insurance and am driving a friend's car who doesn't have insurance and you get a no insurance citation who is responsible for this citation?

the owner of the vehicle is responsible for the ticket. he/she/they are legally required to at least have the minimum liability coverage your state requires.