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Depends when you opened the door, but both parties will be at fault regardless. Mainly because why would you leave the door wide open even though you knew there was on-coming traffic and the other driver should have slowed down or stopped and wait for you close it and then go.

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Q: If your car is parked and someone drives into your open door?
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Are you at fault if you leave your car door open for more than a few seconds and someone runs into it?

Yes. If you leave your car door open on the drivers side and are parked on the correct side of the road you are at fault. You need to look before you get out of the car to make sure it is safe. Moving cars have the right of way against those which are parked.

If someone is double parked and you go around them and they open their door and damage your car and theirs who is responsible?

Speaking from experience if a person opens their care door into a lane of traffic, they are responsible if it gets hit. If you legally go around a car that is double parked and the occupant opens their door and you hit it, they are responsible. Don't move. Call the police.

Who is at fault when you open your door in a parking lot and another car runs into it?

AnswerIf you were parked and you were exiting the vehicle (car not in motion), the other car is at fault. A parked car with door open or closed is still a parked car.AnswerThis MIGHT be a comparative negligence incident in which both of you may share fault. It depends on several factors: Was your door open all the way before the vehicle drove in? Did you open it the moment the car drove through? Was EITHER party paying attention?

Who is at fault if a garage door is opening and car drives into it before it clears the path?

With garage door opening probably the fault of the driver. With a closing door driver could be not at fault if someone closed it on top of car. But opening should be seen by driver. Like running into a closed door that's not moving. Unless someone told the driver it was open and it wasn't and so the driver hit it backing out. Or it was open then someone else closed it and started to open it again.

If your car is parked and someone drives into your door?

This question is incomplete. I will assume you want to know that if your car is parked illegally and someone drives into your door, whose fault is the accident. A driver's is presumed to be in control of his car at all times while operating it. In other words, if you are tooling down the street and you see a car stalled (or parked) in the middle of an intersection ahead of you and the light turns green for you at the same time, you don't get a freebie to go smash it just because you had the green light (right of way). Now, if it was illegal to park your car in a specific location just because no reasonable person (another driver) could see it in time to prevent an accident, that would most likely be the fault of the person who parked the car there. Another possible scenario you could be asking about is if you are parked legally and you open your door into the lane of traffic, where it is struck by another vehicle, whose fault is that? In that case you still revert to the reasonable person standard. It is generally presumed that no one will open his car door into a lane of active traffic if a reasonable and vigilant person would would expect it would cause an accident making it the fault of the occupant of the car who opened the door into traffic. On the other hand, if the car door is opened and remains open for so long that "lane vigilance" is established and another reasonble person/driver could have braked or turned out of the impending collision, then the accident would most likely be their fault. I hope that helps.

Who is at fault when a parked car doors swings into a driving car?

The owner of the parked car is at fault if they open their door into traffic. Their insurance should pay for the damages to the driving car.

If your parked on the side of the road and open your door and it gets hit who's at fault?

Sorry, your fault if you opened your door into traffic. Even if you had it open for long enough that the approaching car had plenty of time to avoid hitting it.

If you are sitting in the driver's seat of a parked car and open you're door and a passing by car hits the door who is at fault?

depend where you were. if you were on the road, its your fault cuz its a road! 4 moveing cars for crying out loud! if it was in a parking lot, blame the driver who hit your door. your supposed to be parked in a parking lot! dahhhhhhh!

Who is at fault if a driver in a parked car has a door open in oncoming moving traffic in Pennsylvania?

Opening a door into traffic makes the door opener at fault. If the door is opened safely and some driver then runs into it, the moving driver is at fault.

How do you command someone to open the door in Spanish?

To command someone to open the door in Spanish, you would say 'Abre la puerta.'

How can someone get out of a new car?

Unlock and open the door.