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The insurance policy on the vehicle should still apply. Since the person responsible for the accident is 18 the liability should end with the 18 year old but I am not a lawyer and don't live in CA so I can't say for sure that I am accurate.

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Q: If your 18 year old unlicensed son drives an insured car with the owner's permission and an accident occurs does their insurance cover it and what is your liability since he is 18 you live in CA?
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If an unlicensed driver does not have permission to use your car and gets in an accident does your liability cover damages to another vehicles?

In the UK the insurance company would not accept liability except under exceptional circumstances

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Maybe. Did the unlicensed driver have your permission to be operating the car when the accident occurred? If so, maybe not.

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Your mom could loose everything by being sued by the other drivers insurance company. Because you are unlicensed and took the car without permission her insurance company will not cover the accident and you are likely to get a ticket.

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If you have liability for an accident, you will need to contact your insurance company. If you do not have liability insurance, you may need to pay for the accident out of pocket.

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The answer should be yes to both parts of the question. You should notify them.

What happens if an uninsured unlicensed driver is driving your insured car and has an accident?

If you have Auto liability Insurance and you gave this person perrmission to drive, The Insurer will probably have to pay the bill for the accident. The company will then probably have to promptly cancel your insurance coverage for allowing an unsinsured unlicensed driver to operate your vehicle. Your next Auto Insurance Policy premium will take into account your claims history and charge accordingly.

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Driver's licensure is a condition of getting auto insurance.

Will insurance cover your damages from an accident if an unlicensed uninsured driver was in an accident on private property?

It is highly unlikely.

Driver become subject to liability insurance law when accident damages amount to?

You are subject to liability insurance requirements whether or not an accident occurs. An accident has nothing to do with liability requirements. You are required to have liability insurance of at least the minimum required by your state before getting into a vehicle and driving it. Driving is what triggers the law.

If you are involved in an accident and have auto liability insurance and the other driver does not what are your rights?

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When a car is borrowed (with permission) the insurance of the car owner is primary and the insurance of the driver is secondary. Here, the car owner has no coverage to pay for the damage to his/her own car, so the driver's liability insurance would cover the cost of the car. That is assuming the driver has liability insurance, if the driver doesn't have liability insurance, the car owner is stuck (unless he sues the driver).

What has the author Manfred Benz written?

Manfred Benz has written: 'Die Unternehmerversicherung in der gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung' -- subject(s): Accident Insurance, Insurance, Employers' liability, Accident insurance, Employers' liability insurance