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it is not you it is the driver that did not signal because the did not give you any warning of what they are doing.

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Q: If you were was passing a car that did not signal parallel parking and they hit me who is at fault?
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Same as if your not parallel parking. Whoever it was that hit the other car is liable for the damages and repairs.

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if the car b pulls in out of no where and with out the signal is car b fault

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I would have to say that technically it would be the driver pulling out of the parking space. TECHNICALLY speaking that is. The insurance companies would probably try to say it is an equal at fault accident maybe.

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Assuming that the car hit was stopped when the other car was backing up, the one backing will be at fault. If there is no damage, or if it is below a certain threshold it may not even count as a collision.

When pulling out of a parallel parking space and a vehicle hits you which person is at fault?

Unless thare are other than normal circumstances, the driver of the parked vehicle would be at fault as it is his duty to ensure that it is safe to join the carriageway...

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Most likely both would be some percentage at fault, but the majority of fault would be for the person trying to go around due to improper passing.

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If you strike him - you are at fault. He can be charged with the No Parking violation but YOU are charged with the collision.

If you are sitting in the driver's seat of a parked car and open you're door and a passing by car hits the door who is at fault?

depend where you were. if you were on the road, its your fault cuz its a road! 4 moveing cars for crying out loud! if it was in a parking lot, blame the driver who hit your door. your supposed to be parked in a parking lot! dahhhhhhh!

If you are pulling out of parking lot and someone is driving in a parking lot a little fast and hit you whose fault is it?

Usually their is no fault associated with parking lots. I'm sure your insurance company looks at it as your fault.