If you rear end another vehicle, you are almost certainly going to be held liable. Being on private property does not affect the issue of liability.
You can expect to be found liable for any damages you caused. Whether the person you hit did or did not have coverage has no bearing on your fault or liability for the damages.
i was rear ended in a 3 car pile up on the highway, whos insurance is liable for my car repairs
A yard at the rear of a house as we know it is most always considered private property. If someone treads upon said backyard without permission of the owner, it could be considered tresspassing, however if this person entering the backyard without permission is entering for the purpose of satisfying a breached contract for instance repossessing a vehicle that has numerous missed payments to return it to the title holder, most likely a bank or loan company, tresspassing would not prevail.
Call the police! :)
The fold in the rear of the property was utilized as a horse paddock for housing and grazing horses.
Typically the person that rear-ends the car is the driver sited for the accident. Usually, for following too closely. It is very rare that the front driver is sited and/or held liable for the accident.
A back garden is a garden towards the rear of a property.
If you were not moving at the time of the accident then you are not liable, but your leaving the scene may post legal problems as a hit and run.
Rear is you bottom, your hind end.
The person who hits you from behind, is usually held accountable. It's called "failure to control."
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