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Yes it certainly will. In this case you KNOWINGLY aided someone in breaking the law. You are also required to have liability insurance on a car driven on a public road. Expect to get sued AND to get a ticket. REALLY bad idea.

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Q: If you put plates in your name for a family member and they have no license and no insurance would it come back on me if she gets in an accident and its their fault?
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How can an insurance company cancel your insurance due to a family member not on any of your policy's having their license suspended?

The family member needs be excluded to keep your insurance in effect.

If a household member with a suspended license drives an auto without permission and gets in an accident can the insurance company refuse to pay?


What coverage does American Family Insurance offer?

American Family Insurance offers a variety of health and dental insurance plans that help prevent future financial loss in case of an accident, illness, hospitalization or surgery. It prevents the costly expenditure if a member of a family becomes ill or involved in an accident.

If you give a family member who has their own insurance policy permission to drive your car and they get into an accident which policy covers the accident?

the policy that covers the car that is being driven.

What is No-fault Insurance, and can I get it for my entire family with Allstate?

no-fault insurance Provides coverage if you, a family member, or your passengers are injured or killed in a covered accident involving a driver who doesn't have insurance at all or who doesn't have enough insurance to cover the damage they cause you.

Who is responsible for damages if a permit driver who is not on your insurance policy nor is a family a member drives your car with your permission while you are in it and they get into an accident?

you ni^^a

Can you put a none family member on your insurance?

Yes, provided they have a license and you tell the insurance company their name and any details of any accidents or driving offenses the person has.

Do you have to be married or a direct family member to be on someone else's insurance?

ANSWER:Sorry you can not. It's just like driving a car, if you have a friend in your car and you had an accident, the insurance company can not take care of that person because he or she is not insured in your policy..

Are you covered by a family member?

I am not covered by a family member as I am a virtual assistant and do not have physical health insurance coverage.

Are you covered on a family member's car insurance?

Yes you are covered on a family members car insurance if you are driving a vehicle owned and insured by them.....

What type of insurance is designed to replace the loss of income from a deceased family member?

Life Insurance

What does it mean to insure a loved one?

To insure a loved one means to protect someone you love with life insurance. When a family member dies, life insurance will give cash to the family after their death, helping the family out even when that family member is dead.