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Depending on the lender, but usually they wont Repo a car unless you are 3 months delinquent.

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Q: If you pay half of your payment at the beginning of the month and pay the other half at the end of the month can they still repo your car?
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If you make a loan payment before it is due will it be counted as the upcoming payment?

No, it get put toward your principle balance. The payment is still due the next month.

What if you could not pay for 3 or more months?

what if your 3-Month or more late in car payment will the lender still accepeted a payment

I was two months behind but still pay a payment every month. can the car still get repossessed?

If they are accepting your payments, they probably won't take your car.

How can you have your car repossessed i lost my job and can't afford it.?

Did you give it back to the finance company? If you still have the car, job or no job, they will be expecting a payment every month. You may be able to call them and make payment arrangements with them.

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Probably. What does your policy say?

What rhymes with payment?

Raiment, which means fancy almost regal clothing. Claimant is the only other word that rhymes apart from others still containing the word 'payment' such as "co-payment", "down-payment" and "non-payment".

What is another word for avoid payment on a debt?

Your question is very vague, but you can ask for an "extention" if you are looking to free up one to three monthes of regular payments. It will cost you the interest for that month "extended" and the payment still has to be made the following month like you normally would. Collections may use the term refusal.

If you file bankruptcy chapter 13 and tax refund same month will you still get it?

You may get it, but you will have to turn it over to the trustee. It may shorten your plan payment time period.

Can you be in default of your car contract if you make payments in advance and not by month?

Yes. Generally, you must make your payments each month as agreed in your contract. If you pay more in one month, the surplus will be credited as an extra payment for that month only and you still need to make the next month's payment. If you have extra money to pay on the loan your should speak with the lender to arrange to pay the extra money toward the principal. That will shorten the length of the loan and may result in a refund of a portion of the interest at the end of the loan.

What does it mean when Final payment is written on a check?

When final payment is written on a check, it means in the debtor's eyes, this is the final payment. Other than that, it is not a legally binding statement and they may still owe money and money can be collected from them.

How do you get JUST ONE MONTH on runescape membership but not keep on going on for more months?

You can purchase 1 month by choosing the PayPal option of payment, and selecting one month. If you are using the credit card option, you can purchase the automatic membership renewal option, and then immediately afterward cancel the next month's renewal, and still have the month's credit that you already paid for.

Can you waive child support in Ohio?

It can't be waived in Ohio but you can request $0 a month. Meaning that the non-custodial parent is still in the system with the CSEA and still has to report to them but there is zero payment. It is ultimately up to the CSEA what is to be paid.