If you have had a car repossessed, you have not kept up with the payments. You probably still owe money on the repossessed car. In these circumstances, the fact is that you can not afford to purchase another car and would not be able to obtain the finance to do so.
No, it cant.
yep....pay it off so they cant
No u can get ur car repossed any day and any time.
Call loan company and explain your situation, see if they can offer you a delayed payment schedule, etc.
that's the point of repossession. you cant pay, they take it away.
Call your lender.
I bought a car and I cant get the title for it what to do
they have the title they can just pay 50-150 for a new one.
you could steel a car. :)
If you have to ask about this car, Then you cant afford it anyway.