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If you have paid off your mortgage and do not have a lien on the home you are not required to have insurance in most placed. But only a fool would not have basic homeowners insurance even if they were not required to. What if your home burns down?

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Q: If you own your home do you still need insurance?
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Related questions

What do you need to apply for homeowner insurance?

You need to own the home. Call and talk to an agent.

Do I need building insurance for a building I don't own?

Yes, you will need building insurance. It is still wise to have some type of insurance to cover for damages and loss even though you don't own the building.

What is home contents insurance?

Home contents insurance is the type of insurance that a renter would take out. He or she would not be in need of insuring the home, per se, but would want to protect his or her own belongings.

Can you have your own auto insurance policy if you live at home with your parents?

Yes, you can have your own auto insurance policy. If you are a minor though, you will need your legal gaurdian to countersign your application for insurance coverage.

What is home content?

Home contents insurance is the type of insurance that a renter would take out. He or she would not be in need of insuring the home, per se, but would want to protect his or her own belongings.

How much insurance do I need for contents of my home?

The amount of insurance you need depends on the value of the contents you own. If you have a lot of valuable items, like collectibles or antiques, then you should invest in more insurance.

What is dwellers insurance?

insurance on a home you own and rent out

What if neighbor's house catch on fire then yours but your neighbor has no insurance?

If you have fire insurance on your own home you will be covered under your own policy. You don't need to worry about whether the neighbors house has insurance or not. It does not affect the coverage you have under your own policy.

What do you need to qualify for Salem insurance?

As long as you are in decent health; own a home; own a car; and have money for insurance, Salem insurance will be sure to help you! Salem compares local prices, to promise you the lowest price.

Do you need public liabilty insurance?

does my mum need public liability insurance? she is a hairdresser and uses a room in a residential home to carry out her work, although not employed by the owners of the residential home is she at all covered by their insurance or does she need her own. any help in answering this question woulld be appreciated :-)

Do you need house insurance if you own a dog?

You will need a Pet Insurance if you own a dog. You don't need a house insurance while owning a dog.

Do you still need to keep paying insurance in Michigan if you do not own a vehicle anymore?

Well, you certainly don't need AUTO insurance if you don't own a vehicle. Might still carry a personal liability policy if you have any assets to protect, but a college student probably doesn't.