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Is he really the primary driver? Who's name is the policy under? Generally being the holder of a policy makes YOU the primary. Check with your company.

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Q: If you own the car and have your 19-year-old on your insurance policy but list him as the primary driver and he gets in an accident could you be sued for damages insurance didn't cover?
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If you have an accident driving your friends car who insurance covers?

typcially , ''insurance stays with the car'' meaning the insurance on the vehicle would be primary..........

What if you are driving someone else's car and you get in an accident that is your fault?

Their insurance would be primary and your insurance would be considered secondary when filing a claim.

Is auto insurance primary over heath insurance in a auto accident?

Yes... depending on your state though. Your auto insurance medical payments, or if you have personal injury proctection/no fault that would be primary in the event of you or anyone in your car hurt in an auto accident. Your our health insurance would be excess. In some states you can opt to have health insurance primary and auto excess. You can always check with your auto insurance provider, they can answer the question better b/c they can see your policy.

If an out of state driver with no auto insurance has an accident in NJ is their health insurance or the NJ driver's auto insurance primary?

Someone's health insurance is not going to cover any injuries in an auto accident. That covered by the insurance on the vehicle. Since there wasn't any, it would appear the victim(s) only recourse would be to sue. And hope they can collect any judgment they might be awarded. Health Insurance WILL most definitely cover injuries resulting from an automobile accident. Some motoe vehicle insurance policies even have a "health insurance primary" option. The questions was how to determine which is primary , the health insurance or the insured drivers motor vehicle coverage

Who is responsible for an accident the driver of the vehicle or the person who is under the insurance?

it may depend on the state, but when I was in the insurance business in Tennessee, the primary insurance on the car kicked in first, then if that insurance didn't cover the damamge (IE: insurance limits were too low, or there was no primary insuance) then the driver's insurance kicked in.

Is the driver or the owner legally responsibile in an accident?

Insurance stays with the car. So if the vehicle is insured (subject to any policy exclusions) and your 'permissive driver' were at fault then your policy will be primary on all damages. You both however are 'legally' responsible. If you are saying that neither the vehicle nor the driver had insurance. Then you both have a problem, and more than likely the injured party (or their insurance) will come to both of you for reimbursement.

If you let your sister borrow your insured car and she is in an accident and charged for the accident does her insurance cover the accident or will yours?

In general, insurance follows the car rather than the driver. So, if your sister is driving your insured car and is involved in an accident, your insurance would typically be the primary coverage for the incident. However, it's important to review the specific terms and conditions of your insurance policy to confirm this.

In an auto accident in California do you bill your auto insurance as the primary insurance or your health insurance?

If you have both medical insurance and auto insurance, the primary company billed will depend on the situation. If your injuries and medical costs were caused by an auto accident and you carry Medical Payments coverage, you will bill your auto insurance provider. If you do not carry Med Pay insurance coverage, as it is optional in the state of California, the circumstances will depend on who is deemed at fault for the accident. If the other party is at fault, you will bill their insurance company and will advise your claims adjuster as well. If you are deemed at fault and do not carry Med Pay, the only insurance you can bill is your medical insurance provider. Be sure your medical insurance provider does not exclude injuries caused in an automobile accident before approving chiropractic care.

I was driving a friend's car and got into an accident what do i say to the insurance investigator?

The insurance for the vehicle you drove will be primary, your personal insurance will be secondary. Be honest and give them the info for the person who owns the car, and your personal insurance info.

I let a friend drive my car and they had an accident whose insurance pays?

If your friend was at fault- then your insurance policy will pay first. Always remember the insurance follows the vehicle, NOT the driver. If the costs of the accident exceed your policy limits, your friend's policy will respond next.

Who is liable if you are a cosigner and the primary driver has an accident and is charged with DUI?

As long as the driver has auto insurance on the vehicle there should be no problem, DUI or not. If there is no insurance on the vehicle you have a problem. In that case not only will you be liable for the damage to the vehicle you cosigned but you also may have liability for the injuries and damages for anyone they hit. You should be very careful about cosigning a loan with anyone. They will get payment from the one who is easiest to get payment from and that is you most likely.

Do you have to add your child to your car insurance if they live at a diffent house hold but primary driver of the car?

Only if you expect your insurance to cover you if the child has an accident. You auto insurance contract states that you are responsible for listing all household members and drivers who drive your vehicles. If you do not do this then you have committed material misrepresentation and the insurance company is then not responsible for paying for the damage from the accident.