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It's entirely up to you, weigh the cost of your deductible vs paying for the 1700 outright.

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Q: If you hit a concrete handicap block in a parking lot and do 1700 damage to your car and have no previous accidents and are in good standing with your insurance company should you turn it in to ins?
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How much will it cost for insurance if you have had three previous accidents?

The insurance cost will grow according to the number of previous accidents also takes in consideration the age of the driver, the type of the vehicle and how log the driver held the driving license.

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Car insurance rates can fluctuate due to many factors. One of the factors is the particular insured driver's driving record or history. If one has had previous accidents, it would greatly affect the car insurance rate.

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There is not much information needed to get a free auto insurance quote online. The information needed in driver's license number, car make and model, and any previous accidents.

What happens if you lie to auto insurance company about previous accidents on a new quote?

In most administrations it means that the quote does not properly apply, your insurance is not valid, and your circumstances are then exactly the same as someone who is not insured. There could in some cases be further legal penalties on top.

What are the qualifications for Prudential car insurance?

The best way to find out the specific qualifications is to call a Prudential agent. Qualifications to be accepted are based primarily on where you live, however many other factors may still affect the price you have to pay for the insurance, such as previous accidents, or your age.

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There are many great ways to get discounts on automobile car insurance. A good way is to shop around and check multiple automobile car insurance companies and see which offer the best deals. Also, being a safe driver with no previous accidents will help a person get a discount.

How do you get accidents off your driving record?

You cannot remove them from your record in any way. Different insurance companies use different time limits in order to underwrite risks. Most insurance companies use the last 3 years in order to rate your insurance premiums. There are some companies that rate for the previous 5 years. These are the only two periods that I am aware of in rating. Time is the only factor that can help you with tickets and accidents. Tickets and accidents are actually never removed from your driving record but the rating period of the company determines how long they effect your rate.

How do you find insurance records from a previous owner of a car?

Insurance Records of previous vehicle owner Insurance Records are protected under State and Federal Privacy laws. There is no legitimate legal reason for a person to want to obtain the "insurance records" of a previous owner. The attempt to do so could constitute an invasion of that persons privacy rights. Any coverage or compensation paid to a previous owner would not extend to the new owner as the new owner was not an insured and did not have a financial interest in the property (vehicle) prior to the purchasing of it. The previous insurers obligations was to the previous insured owner. Those obligations ceased when the policy expired, terminated or when the vehicle was sold to another individual. The previous owners insurance company has no obligation to someone who purchased the vehicle at a later date. If you are interested in the vehicle history, accidents, previous damage or repairs and such, this can be obtained through Car Fax and other similar on-line services.

What is the monthly insurance on a Dodge Challenger?

There are so many factors in determining insurance premiums that it cannot be done in a forum like this. Some carriers that I represent use as many as 88 factors. Some of them are where you live, drivers ages, tickets and accidents, distance to work or school, previous coverage, previous claims, etc. etc.

What are the main factors that determine the premiums charged for automobile insurance?

The main factors are where you live, driver age and sex, marital status, driving record, previous accidents and claims, credit score, and if you have current coverage and for how long. There are many many more factors in calculating auto insurance but these are the main ones.

What do carfax tell you about the car?

If mileage is genuine, no. of previous owners and location, reported accidents.

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