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Unless you're extremely lucky - your story will end right there.

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Q: If you hit a car at 130 mph what will happen?
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What was the average top speed of a car in1973?

The average car had a top speed of around 125 to 130 mph.

What is 130 mph increased by 15 percent?

130 mph increased by 15% is: an increase of 19.5 mph to new speed of 149.5 mph

What is 130 mph increased by 10 percent?

130 + 10% = 130 x (1 + (10/100)) = 143 miles per hour.

If a car is driving at a constant speed of 40 mph how long will it take the car to travel 130 miles?

Divide the distance travelled by the speed...

If a car is traveling 55 MPH can the car behind it be going 55 MPH too?

Yes, but any faster and you'll eventually hit the car in front of you?

How many mph is 130 kilometers per hour?

130 km per hour = 80.7783 mph

What is the impact of cars at 65 mph?

It would be 130 mph

If your vehicle is traveling 55 miles an hour how fast will the unbelted occupant will still be going at he moment of impact?

55 mph. If the car stops (impact) people inside are still moving at 55 mph. They will hit the inside of the car- at 55 mph. That has the same effect as if you were standing still, and were hit by a car moving 55 mph. Messy. Wear your seatbelt.

How fast is 130 mph in km?

130 mph is equal to approximately 209 kilometers per hour.

Is an Objects with greater momentum are harder or easier to stop?

Put it this way... Would you rather get hit with a car going 70 MPH, or a car going 5 MPH?

How many mph is 130 miles in 2.5 hours?

Divide distance by time to find velocity: 130 ÷ 2.5 = 52 mph

What would happen to a RC car going 85 mph?

it would be doing 85mph