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If the vehicle not listed on the policy is a new car that you have recently purchased, you generally have 30 to notify your insurance company of the change. If the vehicle you are driving is just a friends car then, no. Insurance is primary to the vehicle and it is important that the owner of the car have insurance on it and that any drivers of the car be listed as covered on their policy. There are exceptions to everything and these rules will vary by company. It's best to check directly with your insurance company for questions like this.

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Q: If you have your own auto insurance policy for a different car will you be covered if you drive a car not on your policy?
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What is the insurance called where you are covered for any car you drive?

An Umbrella policy

If your husband has his own insurance for his vehicle and you exclude him the insurance on your car will he be covered by his insurance if he was driving your car and had an accident?

You have to list the drivers covered to drive your car on the policy. If not he is not covered.

Are you covered by a family member's insurance when driving their car in Georgia?

As long as you are sure they have insurance and if you are listed as a drive on such insurance policy. If these cases are both yes then you will be covered under their insurance as long as you have permission to drive the vehicle.

Do you have to have insurance to drive a motorcycle?

What are you asking? I do, yes. That's only because I have a motorcycle policy for my motorcycle. You are not covered from an auto policy to drive a motorcycle.

Is it legal to drive a car that is not insured on your insurance?

It is illegal to drive a car that is not insured for at least third party cover (i.e. if you hit someone then they - but not you - will get paid out). Therefore if the car is not covered on an insurance policy that YOU have then to drive it you would need to be covered on someone else's insurance. Some people hold insurance policies that allow anyone (with permission from the owner) with a valid license to drive the car and in this case you would b covered on this policy - many company cars have this sort of policy. It is you DUTY to make sure that you/the car has as covering policy before you drive it and that you can PRODUCE this policy for the police should they require you to do so.

Is my husband covered if auto and auto insurance are in my name?

Your husband must be on your policy to be covered. In some States you have to ad your spouse to the policy regardless if they will drive your vehicle or not.

You do not own a car can you get a policy to drive other peoples cars?

You do not need your own policy. In most states you are covered by the car owners insurance policy.

If i am insured and drive a vehicle belonging to someone that is not insured am i covered through my policy?

No. * i say Depends on your policy. Call your insurance person.

Does your insurance policy follow you if driving someone elses car?

No, in the state of Mass where i am from, the insurance is covered for your car only. It will not follow you if you choose to drive another vehicle. You may want to check the state your are in if this is different, as they may have a different type of policy you can purchase that will cover you. With my experience, the only insurance you have is your health insurance if you are driving another persons vehicle.

Can I have Auto insurance without a car?

Ask an insurance company for a "broadform" policy. That will cover you for any car you drive. Yes, although it's rather pointless. Why pay for insurance on something that you don't even have or own ... there is no need. If you drive someone else's car, you are covered under their insurance policy, provided you have their permission to drive it.

If you live in NJ and a relative with a MA license but no insurance is staying with you is he covered under your insurance when driving your car?

Yes, they would be covered as long as they only drive occasionally. If they drive more than 12 times out of the year, they would need to be rated on your policy in order for them to be covered.

If you dont have an automoble Can you put insurance on your drivers license?

No. Auto insurance is just that ... an insurance policy for the automobile, and those who ride in it or drive it. If you have the full permission to drive someone else's car, and they have the proper auto insurance in full effect, then you are covered under their policy. If you are going to be driving their vehicle most of the time, then they need to add your name to the policy.