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It depends. Some insurance policies go from car to car while others are car specific. In most cases it's the latter, so check with your insurance carrier.

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Q: If you have liability insurance are you covered no matter what car you drive?
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What are the benefits and risks of commercial liability insurance?

Yes, if a lot of people drive the vehicle, you need insurance to cover everyone who drives it. Although typically the insurance goes with the person, so as long as your people are covered, the vehicle is.

What kind of special events would require someone to get liability insurance?

There are many reasons to get liability insurance. All states within the United States require at least liability insurance to drive an automobile. Those in medical professions also get a liability insurance called malpractice insurance.

If you have liability insurance on one vehicle are you insured if you drive another vehicle?

Auto insurance typically covers the car, not the driver. So, if you have insurance on your vehicle, but you drive another vehicle that doesn't have insurance, you are not protected by your policy if you have an accident in that other vehicle. However, if you have insurance on your vehicle, and you lend it to a driver (from another household) who does not have his or her own insurance, they will be covered by your policy while they are driving your car.

If your husband has his own insurance for his vehicle and you exclude him the insurance on your car will he be covered by his insurance if he was driving your car and had an accident?

You have to list the drivers covered to drive your car on the policy. If not he is not covered.

Are you covered by a family member's insurance when driving their car in Georgia?

As long as you are sure they have insurance and if you are listed as a drive on such insurance policy. If these cases are both yes then you will be covered under their insurance as long as you have permission to drive the vehicle.

What car insurance is legally required in Tennessee?

It is required to have liability car insurance to legally drive in Tennessee.

Is your car covered if the driver does not have insurance?

If you have insurance on a car anyone who you give permission to drive the vehicle is covered under your insurance. This is normally covered when insurance companies ask if there will be any other drivers for the vehicle.

Can your parents have liability insurance when you have a learners permit?

Sure, just make sure yor parent also lists your name as an additional driver on the policy so that you can be covered to drive the vehicle as well.

What happens if a person cant get auto insurance?

In many or most states not having liability is against the law. No insurance and you drive illegally, or you do not drive at all.

You have no car or insurance if you drive a friends car are you covered by their insurance?

Provided that there are no exclusions in your friends policy, anybody driver their car with permission will be covered if they cause an accident. You are of course subject to the coverages and limits on your friends policy. Ex, if your friend has just liability, the insurance company will only pay for damages you cause to the other party, not damage to the vehicle you were driving.

If you only carry liability insurance on a vehicle can you let your child drive it if they do not live with you?

All drivers should be listed on your policy to be a covered driver. you should add your child to your auto policy for proper coverage.

What coverage is provided when purchasing standard car insurance?

Coverage that is provided when purchasing standard car insurance are liability coverage and the legal right to drive. There are two liability coverages: bodily injury and property damage liability.