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If this unlicensed driver was driving your car with your knowledge, you are screwed. But if you mean an unlicensed driver hit your car, if you have full coverage you should be able to collect on your insurance. The insurance will make the check to the leinholder and they will give you any excess or expect you to make up any shortage to pay off the loan.

In some cases, if you did give permission for the uninsured driver, your insurance company will pay for the loss but make you sign an exclusion stating that the driver will not be covered in the future for any reason. You would be liable for full cost if it happens again. You can also expect a spike in your rates if they reside with you.

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Q: If you have full insurance on your car and it is totaled by an unlicensed driver what happens with your insurance and payments for the car?
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What happens if you have no insurance and you totaled your car?

you will have to pay a debt and GET CAR INSURANCE

What happens to a totaled car after the insurance co pays you for it?

Some insurance companies will sell the car back to the owner. Others sell the totaled car to a salvage yard.

What happens if you total your car and have gap insurance?

if your car is worth 10k and u own 20k and your car gets totaled, your car insurance will cover 10k for what your car is worth and cap will cover the rest. you wont get any money but you also wont have any monthly payments anymore.

If your car is stolen or totaled and you bought extra insurance with the purchase of the car will you be liable for the rest of the payments?

no unless there is some exclusion. (read the fine print)

What happens when your car is totaled?

If you owe on the car, you will still have to make your payments. Also, depending on your coverage your insurance company can pay off the car and give you something for another. But, it won't be much since they will only pay the low Kelley blue book.

What happens to a car that's declared totaled by the insurance company?

If you want to keep a totaled car, the insurance company will determine the salvage value and deduct that from your settlement check. You can still get liability insurance (if there are no safety issues related to the damage), but not collision or comprehensive unless you have the repairs made.

Can you make your auto insurance pay you back for loan payments you made on a car they declared totaled?

Your insurance owes you the value of the vehicle minus your deductible. If you owed the bank more than this, you are responsible for the excess.

Will the insurance company pay for the damages caused by their driver if the injured victim is driving unlicensed and the car has been totaled?

Let's see if I can follow this. Insurance company A is at fault because of actions caused by driver A. Driver B who is not at fault is injured, but is unlicensed, and Auto B has been totalled. Insurance company A is going to have to pay damages to Driver B for property damage as well as for injuries because Driver A is deemed at fault. The fact that Driver B is unlicensed is a non-moving violation and Driver B will have to pay a substantial fines for these issues.

What happens your car is totaled?

If you have the proper insurance or you were hit by someone you will surrender the car and the title to the insurance company and they will pay you the actual cash value of the car before it was hit.

What happens if you Car title loan in default and car is totaled?

Typically you need a car with insurance to get a title loan. If your car is totaled, the loan company are entitled to that money since they hold the title for your car.

What happens after your car is totaled and you only have liability?

If a car is totaled in an accident and only liability insurance is present, there is a chance that the other party's insurance will pay for the vehicle if the accident was their fault. If a car is totaled, but no others were involved, then the responsibility falls on the registered owner. This will not release the registered owner from paying for the vehicle, either, if money is still owed on the car.

What happens if the car was totaled in an accident and money was still owed and accident is your fault?

Typically, your deal with the bank that you bought your car through is separate from your car insurance. However, many insurance companies offer "gap" insurance to cover this issue, so that the car is paid off if it is totaled. Talk to your agent, and they can tell you exactly what coverage you have and how much they'll pay. The insurance company (yours) will look the car and if it is totaled they will give you the money for its current value, minus your deductible. If its repairable, they will give you the money to repair it, minus your deductible. Any money left on the car payments after the amount your insurance pays is your responsibility, unless your insurance specifically covers this. If you didn't have insurance, then you lose it all, no money to fix or replace the car, and you still have to pay for the car. Never drive a car without insurance, period.