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Usually it does, you would have to check to see if you have a broad coverage policy or not.

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Q: If you have full coverage insurance in Ohio will it cover any car you drive?
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Can I get insurance to cover collision in Ohio?

Yes, you can definitely get collision coverage insurance in Ohio, as that is a fairly common category to get insured for. You can contact an agent and get it added to your premium.

Does the co-buyer have to be on the insurance policy if he does not drive the car?

Not where I live in Ohio. My mother co-signed a car for me, and her name didnt have to be on the insurance, as long as the vehicle carried full coverage insurance in my name.

Does one need to carry liability car insurance in Ohio?

Yes in the state of Ohio you need to have insurance on your auto the min you may have is $12,500 per person on bodily injury coverage. Ohio law you must on any auto have insurance and there is a min coverage law set by the state of Ohio.

Which company offers the best variety of coverage for auto insurance in Ohio?

You can go to to search for auto insurance in the Ohio region for free.

what is meant by Ohio car insurance ?

Ohio Car Insurance means having car insurance in the state of Ohio. Coverage is offered by a number of different companies including Geico, Nationwide, All State, and Progressive.

What is covered on pip insurance in Ohio?

Coverage on PIP insurance in Ohio can be offered by the insurers if PIP insurance is chosen. PIP can may help pay for medical expenses for passengers and the primary driver.

How much does PIP insurance cost in Ohio?

Personal Injury Insurance is optional, therefore will vary depending on the plan of your choice. As a "no-fault" coverage, it is applicable in Ohio, and you can choose.

Does life insurance cover suicide in Ohio?

I dont think so. Most insurance policies do not cover death by intentional suicide.

Does Medicaid cover abortions in Ohio?

Ohio Medicaid will most likely cover this procedure as long as your doctor presents it as a necessity. They will deny the coverage if they see it as an elective procedure.

Is an uninsured friend covered by your full coverage insurance if you let them borrow your car in Ohio?

no No. The person who is borrowing the car must also have insurance.

Where can I get car insurance for a teen driver in Ohio?

Contact an insurance broker in any Ohio city. A broker can present a variety of plans and explain about different companies' various coverage options and prices.

What has the author Ed E Duncan written?

Ed E. Duncan has written: 'Ohio insurance coverage'