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No, the insurance company has a responsibility to the lienholder first, then you get the balance of the settlement based on the local market value of your car. Insurance companies are not responsible for purchasing you a new car and the settlement is based on the value of the car you had an accident in. The settlement is not based on what it will cost to buy another vehicle.

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Q: If you have full coverage and total your car will the insurance pay for another car even though the one you crashed wasn't paid off yet?
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The minimum coverage amount is $10,000. It depends on where you live and what company you use. I suggest you get good coverage though because you never know.

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UM stands for uninsured motorist. This type of coverage is used to take the place of the other parties insurance in paying for damage to your bodily injury and property damage expenses if the other party does not have insurance. You can purchase various amount of UM coverage just as you can for your liability insurance though most companies will not let you buy more UM coverage than you do for your liability coverage.

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Yes, you can have your own auto insurance policy. If you are a minor though, you will need your legal gaurdian to countersign your application for insurance coverage.

What if someone is driving your car and has an accident will your full coverage insurance cover it?

Usually yes. It depends on the brand of insurance though. You should check with your provider to be sure.

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Your garage insurance should be covered by home owners insurance or renters insurance. I am not sure you would need liability insurance in a garage though, because no one else would be hurt in there.

I was in a car accident and my insurance will not provide a rental car even though i have full coverage can they do that?

You only get a rental if your policy specifies that you chose to pay extra to have rental car coverage. Having collision coverage is not the same thing as having rental. Collision coverage just covers the repairs to your vehicle. If you are not at fault for the accident, the other person's insurance will provide you with a rental car.

What is full coverage insurance in Oklahoma?

"full coverage" generally means including comprehensive and collision coverages. Though that doesn't include everything a policy offers, it's more of a slang term.

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Can you get individual health insurance if you have a preexisting condition?

Yes, though it is hard. Also, preexisting conditions vary, as far as definition, from one company to another. While it is easier to get coverage through an employer, you are able to get it via a private company.