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No. Sorry, it will be an "out of pocket" expense for you. ?
Yes it will. Just discussed this with my agent. Collision covers your vehicle damage if you hit something else and Comprehensive covers damage if someone (or something) hits you.
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Q: If you have comprehensive but not full coverage and an unknown object hits your car while in a parking lot will the insurance pay for the damage?
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Can you get insurance to pay for hit and run damage when you didn't get the license plate number or if you are at fault?

Well, it's not uncommon for the hit-and-run vehicle and driver to be unknown, so not knowing the license shouldn't be a factor. But I'm confused by the "if you are at fault" part of your question. Do you mean that you did the hitting but the other driver ran? Doesn't really matter, I guess. If you have collision and comprehensive insurance, it should pay the claim. If you have only liability insurance, you don't get anything. As long as you have collision coverage

What can I do when Unknown driver damages my car and leaves the scene?

If you have collision coverage on your car insurance you can have your car repaired by our own insurance company, subject to your deductible. Depending on the state if you are carrying uninsured motorists property damage the coverage may be used to repair your vehicle too, often at a deductible of $200-$300. Check your declarations page for an outline of your coverages, and refer to your policy contract for the details on your uninsured motorists property damage coverage.

What can you do if you have only liability insurance and your parked car is hit by an unknown driver?

Unles your daughter has collision or UMPD coverage on her policy, there's nothing the insurance carrier can do for you. In a case like this, it really does come down to "you get what you pay for." If a premium wasn't paid to the carrier for the collision or UMPD coverage, they can't help. By not carrying collision or UMPD coverage on the car, it's assumed that your daughter understands she will be paying out-of-pocket for any damage to her car.

If parked in a hotel leased parking garage while staying at the hotel who is responsible for the insurance deductibles if the car gets broken into smashed window and all contents was stolen?

Probably neither the hotel nor the garage but rather your insurance; just as if your vehicle was hit in a parking lot by an unknown driver. The hotel nor the garage are at any more fault than you in such case as there was no neglience.

How do I find people looking for health insurance?

You need not to look frantically for people requiring health insurance. With spiraling medicine costs and medical expenses, common people today desperately need something to protect self and family members are future unknown health hazards. With limited income, health insurance coverage is the only protective means to safeguard against sudden illness. What you need to do is to prepare list of prospects from your acquaintances, relatives, friends who need health insurance coverage. Visit them personally and apprise them of the utility of medical insurance and the lucrative health insurance products your insurance company can offer.

In North Carolina if you have liability coverage only and you damage a friend's car while driving it with their permission are you considered an uninsured driver by your friend's insurance company?

No. If you are driving a vehicle with someone's permission, they assume the risk of letting you drive it and therefore their insurance company also assumes the risk. Under the policy contract, you would be considered an 'insured' because you had permission to use the vehicle. If you were responsible for the damage to your friend's vehicle and the accident was your fault, the only coverage to file would be Collision Coverage. Uninsured motorist is a coverage that would pay for damages to your friend's vehicle if you had been involved in a hit and run accident in which the unknown driver is at fault or if the other driver is known, is at fault and does not have insurance.

Were pitbulls ever illegal in Utica NY?

Jamestown NY Unconfirmed Unknown Larchmont NY Unconfirmed Has banned Pit Bulls Maybrook NY Unconfirmed Unknown Mount Vernon NY Unconfirmed Unknown N. Hempstead NY Unconfirmed Unknown New Rochelle NY Unconfirmed Unknown Newburgh NY Unconfirmed Unknown Sand Point NY Unconfirmed Unknown State Of NY Unconfirmed Now the 12th state to prohibit the passage of BSL. However: Village of Hempstead NY Unconfirmed Unknown Village of Haverstraw NY Unconfirmed Unknown Yonkers NY Confirmed Requires Insurance Coverage of $100,000.

Are pitbulls brindle illegal in brentwoon ny?

Jamestown NY Unconfirmed Unknown Larchmont NY Unconfirmed Has banned Pit Bulls Maybrook NY Unconfirmed Unknown Mount Vernon NY Unconfirmed Unknown N. Hempstead NY Unconfirmed Unknown New Rochelle NY Unconfirmed Unknown Newburgh NY Unconfirmed Unknown Sand Point NY Unconfirmed Unknown State Of NY Unconfirmed Now the 12th state to prohibit the passage of BSL. However: Village of Hempstead NY Unconfirmed Unknown Village of Haverstraw NY Unconfirmed Unknown Yonkers NY Confirmed Requires Insurance Coverage of $100,000.

Does dental insurance cover biting on a rock?

By definition, insurance covers fortuitous (essentially, accidental) events, not intentional ones. Therefore, if biting the rock was done purposefully, the coverage would likely not apply. However, if a small stone were, for example, embedded in food, unknown to the eater, a resulting injury would stand a better chance of being covered.

Does your liability auto insurance cover you in a loaned vehicle?

No. Liability insurance follows the vehicle so the person who owns the vehicle you are borrowing needs to make sure that they have insurance and also needs to add you as a driver on his or her policy. You also need to make sure that this is done because if you drive the vehicle and get stopped you will get the ticket for driving without insurance. If you have an accident and are not added as a driver his or her insurance company may deny the coverage for material misrepresentation and guess who will be sued by the person you hit? Both of you will be sued and both will be responsible. Insurance companies to do not like vehicles to be loaned to unknown drivers.

How many people do not have health insurance?

Most people throughout the world do not have health insurance, by a very large but unknown factor

Learn The Different Car Insurance Types Available In Georgia?

Georgia residents are required by law to carry a certain amount of liability insurance when operating a motor vehicle. This is not the only type of auto insurance available. Collision and comprehensive insurance, personal injury protection and uninsured motorist coverage are also offered by licensed car insurance companies. Vehicle owners are encouraged to check out the benefits of each insurance type and compare quotes from a number of providers to determine what auto insurance package is most suitable.Liability Insurance Requirements In GeorgiaAll drivers must carry a policy that meets or exceeds the state minimum coverage requirements. When shopping for car insurance online, individuals will see quotes given that include this minimum protection. At least $25,000 in protection to cover the costs of an injury to an innocent party is required. A minimum of $50,000 is required to cover the costs of bodily injury to multiple non-fault individuals and an additional $25,000 is needed to cover the costs of vehicle or personal property damage owned by those not at fault in an accident.Uninsured motorist protection is not required by law in the state of Georgia. This type of insurance provides coverage for vehicle damage and/or bodily injury caused by someone not carrying the required liability insurance. It is wise to consider this protection because in the event of a serious accident caused by a non-insured individual, victims have no recourse but to bring a lawsuit against the at-fault party if uninsured motorist protection is not in force. The suit may never result in any monetary compensation.Understanding Collision InsuranceGeorgia residents may be asked to carry this type of insurance when financing a vehicle. The car acts as collateral for the loan but if it is severely damaged the lender will have nothing to use as security for the outstanding loan balance. It is therefore important to carry collision insurance to cover the repair costs when a car is damaged in an accident caused by the vehicle's owner. Comprehensive insurance is part of this policy and is used to cover repair costs when the damage is caused by an unknown party or through an act of nature.Saving Money By Combining Coverage TypesA full vehicle protection package that includes liability, collision, comprehensive and uninsured motorist insurance will cost less than when each type is purchased separately. Not all insurance companies offer the same discounts when additional drivers or vehicles are added to an existing policy. Georgia vehicle owners are encouraged to speak with their agent and also check out the online rates from competing insurance providers. Some companies offer huge discounts when several vehicles are fully protected.