Not to your home no, only to a reliable shop in the area where your car was hit/damaged, usually approved by your insurance company.
If someone causes damages to your property, they are liable. This means, however that you have to deal with their insurance company directly, rather then your insurance company doing it for you.
If you only carry liability insurance, that is all that the insurance company is liable for in this state.
Not usually. It sounds like the insurance company was a victim of fraud.
The driver who hit the pedestrian is liable, not their insurance company. The drivers insurance company will normally be responsible for payment of valid claims up to the policy limits for which the their insured driver is found liable.
Liability always rests with the at fault party. The insurance company covers the property not the person.
The owner of the car is liable for the accident itself and the damage. However, the insurance company might have to pay for it, depending on the owners insurance cover.
If the title, registration, and insurance are still all in your name, you (or your insurance company) would be responsible.
No, an insurance company does not get notified of a parking tickets. Insurance companies are only liable for handling accidents.
if your insurance agent had entered the wrong vin number in when getting you insurance by one digit and they issued you a policy and have been driving around under the assumption you had insurance and get in an accident?? who is liable??
Yes, if you carry liability insurance on your homeowners policy and you are found liable for an injury to another while on it your insurance company would respond to a notice of loss.
You can't. That is private information between insurance companies and their clients. If someone has caused damage to your car you may have to get a lawyer and take them to court. If that person has insurance then their insurance company will defend their client and pay on their behalf if the court decides that they are liable for your damage.
If someone hits a parked car then they are automatically liable.