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depends on the state this happened in

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Q: If you are leaving a parking lot and someone backs into it who's insurance pays. No cops were called?
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Who is at fault if someone hits another car in a parking lot?

In Ontario parking lots are private property and do not fall under the highway traffic act. Given this Ontario also has whats called no-fault insurance, meaning if 2 people are in an accident in a parking lot, person 1's insurance covers person 1 and person 2's insurance covers person 2. If there are evidence who can mention who was in fault while accident happens, then only you can decide on this. But if your car hit another parked car or vice-verse then you should be in fault. When I face same problem, my insurance company Chola MS favored me as my car was parked in parking lot and someone rushed into my car.

What is it called when someone buys life insurance on someone else?

On whose life, policy is purchased, he/she is called 'Life Assured', whereas the former is called the 'Proposer' in a life insurance policy.

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Parking stump

How do you file a insurance claim against the party that was at fault in an accident that occurred in a parking lot Without involving my insurance company.?

Just file a claim with the other parties insurance company. You called the police and got an accident report, right?

Must accidents be mentioned when shopping for car insurance?

Insurance companies have a thing called Clue that they all report to. You can try leaving out that information, but 9 times out of 10 your new insurance company will find out about your history.

What is someone who benefits from a gift or will called?

A legatee (from a will), or the less popular giftee. In insurance and Wills, it is also called a beneficiary.

Where can someone compare the premiums for different companies vehicle insurance?

Someone is able to compare the premiums for different vehicle insurance companies at a company called Progressive, where one is able to compare other top car insurance rates.

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What kind of parking should you use when the parking space is on a diagonal to the curb?

it is called angle parking

Christian video man at airport waiting at the end lady leaving parking lot truck crashes into her car?

The video your looking for is part of a series by Rob Bell, called Nooma. The one you are referring to is called Luggage! We watched it at my youthgroup. :)

Is an accident on a grocery store parking a private matter or do the police need to be called?

Calling the police lets the victim file a police report to provide for both insurance and legal reasons.

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