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Yes, it does. There is a due date by which time you must make a payment or the insurance policy is canceled.

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Q: If you are late paying your car insurance by two weeks does that mean it has lapsed?
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What if you had a wreck and was late on your insurance payment?

It depends on two things - how late were you and what state do you live in? Almost all the states allow you to be reasonably late on your payments - less than 2 weeks - without the policy cancelling. If you had already gone through the grace period and your policy actually lapsed (went out of force), then you would be responsible for the damages caused by your accident.

If your insurance lapsed and you had an accident but then you paid it a half day late will they still cover the accident?

Maybe. Some insurance policies have a grace period. Therefore, depending on the circumstances you may be covered. You need to call your agent asap. Not if you are with Safe Auto. They dont care if you are 15 mins late with a payment. Most places have a grace period though.

Is there a grace period for paying auto insurance in Maryland?

This depends on the company that you are insured with. You will have to ask them what their policy is regarding late payments.

Will the insurance company accept your claim on a vehicle that is stolen if your late on your car payments?

They will accept almost any claim, paying it is another matter.

How late is late in paying rent?

30 days

Can an insurance company cancel policy for late payment after a claim is filed?

You bet. See, it works like this ... you pay for a service (insurance coverage) ... as long as you keep paying on time, you have coverage. One thing you don't want to ever do is make a late payment while a claim is being handled ... the insurance company thinks you are no longer interested in having them provide insurance coverage, and cancels your policy. Some insurance companies automatically cancel anybody for filing an accident claim.

What are the benefits of paying late but not too late and how do companies attempt to do this?

If a company delays paying bills, then they can use that money to do other things. Cashflow is usually the thing that causes companies to go under. Usually, if a company is late paying bills it's because their customers are way late in paying the company. All of the excrement rolls downhill, and only the big customer at the top gets the benefit.

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my periods was 6 weeks late and i light periods could i be pregrant

What are the consequences of paying late mortgage payments?

Although there is typically no consequence to paying a late mortgage payment, there is typically consequences to making mortgage payments late. These consequences typically include a late fee, increased interest rates, and a lowered credit rating.

You are 6 weeks late on your period how many weeks pregnant are you?

Technically, 10 weeks pregnant.

What happens if you are late in paying your premium in MetLife?

They may send you a letter saying that your payment is late.

Is 30 weeks pregnant too late to see a doctor?

When your pregnant it's never too late to see a doctor,but 30 weeks pregnant is too late to have an abortion.